What if the other Windrunners were put in Sylvanas situation?

Vereesa or Alleria were caught defending Quel’Thalas against the hordes of Scourge. They are eventually defeated and taken by Lich King. Serve under the Scourge for a time, and then broken free. How would a Night Lady Vareesa or Alleria do things differently from Sylvanas IYO?

Ignore the obvious inconsistencies like Alleria not being around when it happened and just focus on the base-question and your theories on what they would do better…or worse than Sylvanas.

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The main difference I see between undead Sylvanas and undead Vereesa is that there’s a high chance that Vereesa would still be bound to the Lich King’s will. Nothing against Vereesa personally but I just see her as the weakest of the three sisters.

Alleria on the other hand would definitely break away from the Lich King and get into vengeance mode like Sylvanas did based on her behavior in the Beyond the Dark Portal novel. I also see her rallying the other freed undead, though I think that Alleria would pick different name than Forsaken.

The tricky part is when comes to allegiances. Alleria would seek to bring her undead into the Alliance but as Chronicle Volume 3 told us the Forsaken ambassadors never returned, and possibly never made it to Magni and/or Varian to plead their case. Furthermore Before the Storm showed many of the living rejected the Forsaken because they were raised into undeath.

It’s once contact with the Alliance is severed that I wonder how an undead Alleria would push things forward. As seen with Argus she still had issues with the Horde all these years later to the point of rejoining the Alliance over Quel’Thalas. So I consider it a 50/50 half of her turning to the Horde out of the pragmatic need for allies against the Scourge or have her undead be like a neutral organization that accepts helps from adventurers, while not being formally aligned with the Horde or Alliance.


Your scenario requires Alleria and Vareesa being there to defend Silvermoon like Sylvanas was. Instead of galavanting around with their lovers.

If Arator and Turalyon were alive in Stormwind, Allleria would probably have tried a lot harder to get the Alliance’s consideration.

If Arator and Turalyon were in Silvermoon and part of her her Undead forces, Alleria might have been just as fierce as Sylvanas. But less aggressive. More defensive and less expansionist.

As far as Vareesa… even after the Lich King was killed, I could see Vareesa sobbing in a tower, not even sure she is actually free of the Lich King. Afraid to leave the tower, like a sad wreck.

Vareesa: “Is this just fantasy? Am I … myself? Is he … me? Will he make me hurt people if I leave?..”

And so on for eons.


I feel like Gornur pretty much nailed it.

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Was going to say it would be like comparing Garrosh and Nazgrel could lead the same story but Cursewords’s perceptive has made me realized why Alleria and Vareesa’s might lead into a different story.

Now I want to see what would happen if Sylvanas forced her sisters into the forsaken in bfa just for the family dramas. Alleria vs Arator. Fandal vs Vareesa. :star_struck:


Being far less prideful than Sylvanas she’d be more likely to just do what needs to be done.

For starters, instead of being an arrogant fool, she probably would’ve taken Arthas out when she had the chance. Or killing Varimathras, rather than letting something so evil live. However, idk if her Alliance hero status would’ve helped with Garithos, but she probably wouldn’t have betrayed and murdered him, in fact, she’d probably have sent him down to Stormwind to deliver her message of being freed rather than risk the lives of the “Forsaken” and it could’ve gone alot better.

The Alliance would’ve either seen it as deceit or they would’ve sent a heavily defended regiment of soldiers to investigate. I’d assume these talks would go well, and she’d go down to stormwind alone to meet with Varian. She explains everything clearly, having no skeletons in her closet like Sylvanas does, these talks go well and they are tenuously readmitted into the Alliance.

Her relationship with Turalyon would’ve been a main driving point for her character. Perhaps out of her desire to see him again, she becomes increasingly cold and ruthless in her command of the “Forsaken” to the dismay of her allies.

There’s alot I can say here, but I feel this is mostly the jist of it. Her formal connection to the Alliance would make negotiations with them easier and her lack of Sylvanas vanity would reduce ego driven mistakes.


Yes, the fact that High Elf leadership is composed of elves that were too busy with that human potential instead of defending their home speaks for itself.

I honestly disagree. They had all just gone through a zombie apocalypse. It’s not like the Forsaken as a people are undead orcs from a different continent. They’re undead elves and humans, as in the Alliance that were left alive knew them all in life. The Alliance rejected and ostracized their dead friends and families, so they would definitely do the same for some random famous lady, even if the famous lady is Alleria.

Lilian Voss’ entire story is not only dealing her own self hatred but the hatred of her own father and former peers. On the war campaign ship, Nathanos says that the reason why Forsaken hunt Alliance is 'cause the Alliance hunted the Forsaken.


To be fair, it’s not like Alleria had much of an option, having left several years before Silvermoon was even put in peril, being trapped beyond the Dark Portal, and then fighting the Burning Legion for years.

It’s not like she had some kind of trans-dimensional spider sense that would allow her to be all-knowing about Quel’thalas’ state and make her go “I must go now. My people need me.” before poofing out of there the minute she felt something wrong about Silvermoon.

They literally have a statue of Alleria at the front of their city, I fail to see why they wouldn’t give her 5 mins to explain. She’s a venerated war hero, even without the statue.

Yeah cuz she’s undead and her dad just so happened to be part of a deranged group in which they have a kill-on-sight policy for undead.

Cuz Sylvanas, sister of an esteemed Alliance war hero, couldn’t be bothered to go and explain it herself. I mean, she’s the only one at the time who resembled her living self. Instead she sends decaying and decomposing undead who would be unrecognizable to most living people.

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Sylvanas wrote the inscription on the statue and the ambassadors Sylvanas sent to the Alliance were never heard from again.

Per Chronicle Volume 3 and Before the Storm there are those in the Alliance who take issues with the Forsaken simply existing. Not for their deeds, which others so take out against them, but the simple fact the Forsaken are the living dead. The an existence of undeath was highly disturbing to the Alliance, especially on the heels of the fall of Lordaeron and the razing of Quel’Thalas.

I’m not sure how Alleria’s status as a war hero would counter balance all their hangs up about living dead.


I think a scenario would be Alleria never left Quel’thalas and she sacrifice herself to buy Vereesa and Sylvanas enough time to escape Quel’thalas with the High Elven people but Alleria gets turned into a Banshee Queen while Sylvanas is her old high elf self and Vereesa being herself until she turns into a Void Elf.

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She sent walking corpses who hardly resemble the people they were, a personal appearance from someone who looks identical to how they did in life would warrant at least a minute.

Like I said, Alleria likely wouldn’t have betrayed and murdered Garithos and could’ve sent him to Stormwind with a message. He would serve as her ambassador.

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Which leads to another question.

Would Garithos want to?

The possibility exists that due to mitigating circumstances (his own rescue at their hands and their assistance in reclaiming Capital City), he goes against all he believes in and does so. The possibility also exists that he doesn’t.

While I don’t doubt that Alleria (or maybe even Vareesa) would have been able to foster better relations with the Alliance somehow (probably reaching a grudging acceptance, like DKs), I don’t think this is how it’d go down.

I just don’t see Garithos becoming the messenger boy for the inhuman filth of an Elf who’s also undead.


Sylvanas did not break free of the Lich King because she was “strong willed” or any such nonsense. She luck out and Illidan weakened LK enough that his grip on the undead in the eastern Kingdoms weakened significantly.

Gallivanting? If anything both Alleria and Vereesa have done more to save Azeroth(which includes Silvermoon) then any Blood elf in existance. Alleria stopped Azeroth from being afflicted by the destruction of Draenor. Thus saving it from a potential Second Sundering. That is not to mention she helped the Army of Light delay/weaken the Burning Legion to give Azeroth enough time to recover.

Vereesa on the other hand saved Azeroth from TWO Black Dragon plots. She, Rhonin and Falstad and co are the reason Alexstrasza is alive and free. Night of Dragon had her play a role in defeating Dragonax and Sinestra.


Not sure there’s a definitive enough depiction of who they are to properly answer this question.

Pretty much the same? At the time of the Third War/WC3, Sylvanas was an Alleria-lite clone and Vereesa literal blankslate Windrunner for Rhonin armcandy.


Depends if Alleria was with Turaylon at the time, If she was he would probably be able to rally a lot of the remains of the Alliance to assist considering he was the one to defeat Ogrim doomhammer and basically lead the alliance to end the old Horde.

Veressa would probably be a harder sell again if she was married to Ronin and he was leading Dalaran he’d probably throw there support behind silvermoon as well.

Well, to be fair, esteemed and trusted individuals turning out to be Scourge agents was outright what caused Silvermoon and Lordaeron to fall.

So even being who she was, convincing the Alliance that the Forsaken were a legitimate thing and not some plot to get the Scourge past the other Alliance kingdoms’ defenses would be a pretty hard sell so soon after the Third War.

In no world do I see Garithos doing what an elf wants when he’s in a position to do what he wants.

I mean if he was okay and had no problem with sending the Prince/Leader of High/Blood elves on constant suicide missions to get him killed then what chance does some general he probably cares for even less than have?

This also adds the question of should she survive her encounter with Garithos where could she even go as anywhere nearby is taken and would need a fighting force to take it and even then I can’t imagine Garithos would allow her and her small band to actually set up anywhere in his new lands of Lordaeron and would most likely

A)Deal with them himself
B)Make a deal with the SC
C) ask the alliance for aid in securing these lands from remnant undead.

Vareesa has no chance in my opinion even with illidan doing his thing only strong willed undead at the time we’re able to seize the chance to break free from his grasp.

Edit: Incase anyone says tur would vouch for her this is all assuming that he stays behind also instead of going through the dark gate and if that was the case would his status even be big enough to persuade them? Like I get they were big names but it was going through the dark gate which made people consider them legends worth immortalizing via statue

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