What I like about survival you don't get with BM

You’re completely ignoring the original point just to be an obnoxious contrarian. Never mind the fact that you and many other Survival Hunters (just about every single Survival Hunter PvP that has ever posted, in fact) go around telling people that it’s not a full melee spec and is very ranged focused in PvP. Whether or not you think your own previous points about Survival’s ranged capability were excessive, clearly Survival is not spending as much time in melee as it used to, and the diminished melee focus calls into question the notion of viewing Survival as the close-up companion of beasts.


No, my original point is

I do not care about your fried attempt at a moral victory by saying “survival isn’t as melee as it used to be”. In pve it is, in pvp its the same as it has been if you want to do meaningful and threatening damage you need to be in the fray.


I don’t care what your original point was. I posted first and my original point was that Survival is spending little time in melee for a “melee” spec.

Now you’ve spent half the thread agonising over exactly how little time it spends in melee. I know full well that it needs to be in melee for its full damage potential; this is something I’ve posted about many times. But it can do much of its damage from range, it spends a lot of time at range, and you and other SV Hunters regularly go around telling people this on the forums so it’s a little strange to suddenly downplay its ranged capabilities until you realise you’re just here to be an obnoxious contrarian and derail the thread.


Oh we just looking in the mirror now? You’re a clown, stick to what you know.


When I think BM Hunter, I think Rexxar duel wielding 1h axes with a bear.

always have, always will.

Blizzard was even aware of this and had to switch them from BM to SV in legion. However, he still dual wields yet SV can only equip one-handed weapons. Then after Legion the developers even went further and added two of BM abilities to SV blurring the difference even more.

Blizzard admitted that they knew that changing a hunter spec to melee was going to alienate players, so they took the safe side and left BM alone. You would have to declare ignorance if you took one of the most popular spec and make it unplayable to large portion of your players.


Honestly BM just needs a reason to press kill command. There is no reason a core ability with a cd does around the same or less damage than a filler.

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I think your post is more of a companion post with advocation for BM being melee right?

I think a fair amount of class fantasy for you but I see its irl connection for sure. That said, one could argue you support your pet from range but with the class fantasy point, you don’t do the dirty work with BM the pet does.

I prefer survival also and appreciate what your post is trying to convey. Ironically during Burning Crusade when I was leveling my hunter I treated Survival AS a melee spec and fought alongside my newly tamed Ravager for idk how many levels. Eventually I sorta…figured out my issue there.

The BM perspective though…the animal or animals are more tools that you use for your own end where Survival fights, bleeds, suffers etc, alongside you, the hunter. That sounds extreme but in the context of fantasy and what the pets routinely get sent to fight with it also sounds brutal lol.

That’s probably why I like survival more also as I feel I have help where BM, even though they are helping, or rather I help them, its a different more tool like feel and not the animal you see. I hear you!

If only I could DPS in melee as BM…

You can DPS in melee range, but you can not equip a melee weapon and still use all of your abilities.