What has 2 legs, feathers, cant fly, but tastes great deep fried?

The alliance!

Looks like we took the fight out of you guys :frowning: Maybe next time.

wut? I can’t even find hordies

The only time I have found any horde for pvp is they are camping a flight path with a full raid and killing alliance 1 at a time.


You aren’t allowed to brag about pvp until bgs come out. It’s literally just a zergfest on both sides for the most part.


Agreed, or 10v1.

yup, genuine cowardice, send in a equal leveled squad and they get stomped. They’re pathetic on tthis server. lmao

70/30 H/A ratio. However all they do is camp flight points and BRM in groups of no less then 10. It’s pretty sad that they have nothing better to do that they have to wait for one person to come turn in quests to farm honour. Enjoy your 30 min BG queue’s on the 10th


To be fair I’ve seen both horde and alliance camping fps and ganking 10v1.

to be fair, no you haven’t.

This is not true. Thunderfury is probably one of the most balanced pvp servers out there. Even though Horde has more players the majority of the top guilds on the server are alliance.

There are people grinding honor on both factions and I’m sure the people running around in 15-20 people gank squads are not ranking seriously. Its a horrible way to farm honor.

I know it can be rough out there but the majority of my world pvp experience has been alliance stomping horde. Don’t get down and be a negative nancy if you are losing your pvp battles. Try and figure out whats going wrong and what you can do better to fix it.

Hitler started out really great as well. How did that end again?