What happens to Polished Pet Charm post-BFA?

Will they be converted to regular Pet Charms?


I’m sure you can still use them on BFA pets and probably obtain them through table missions and what not. I’ve heard nothing about removal of them.

They will keep the same currency for SL, feel free to save them up and hoard.

To clarify:

First, we have no plans to make a new pet charm currency this expansion. Polished Pet Charms will remain the standard currency to buy new pets, toys, consumables, and all of the other normally-available vendor purchases.


You’ll still be able to use them to buy pets in BFA zones, but they won’t be usable in other zones.

Thanks. A little hard to believe though!

It’s pretty generous of them, for sure~

Here is the original Blue post: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/feedback-pet-battles-in-shadowlands/590828