What Happens If I Fall Behind?

This was the genius of Vanilla. Naxx-raiding guilds still had compelling reasons to do the level-60 dungeons, MC, ZG, BWL and AQ40.

So a new guy “catching up” to them will definitely still get to do those zones.

Because its a new game and all the leveling is slow it wont be an issue for at least a year. Unless the population really nose dives. There should be plenty of guilds though early on to keep you leveling unless you plan is like a level a month

Falling behind is no longer a concern unless they force the expansion down your throat again. But the whole point of this is being able to pick and play which version you want, not just the 1 version Blizzard decided to allow you to play.

I expect that the vast majority of raiding guilds won’t even start raiding MC regularly until Phase 2.

While I’m pretty sure that any guild who is forming pre-release and is aiming at raid content, will be there far sooner than Phase 2, there will be plenty of guilds forming later who meet your PoV.

Right. Those that are actively recruiting RIGHT NOW will definitely be in MC before Phase 2. But the majority of raiding guilds will be forming and recruiting after launch and won’t have access to a group of 40 tryhards trying to level as quickly as possible.

I would agree, speed runners and people pushing will be into MC by then but a majority wil prob still be looking to do there first MC

Catching up would be the easy answer.

Hi. I’m Jeannearc. And I’m…an altaholic too! You will fall behind only to those people relative to when you first grouped with them. You’ll meet new people. Then fall behind them. This is the altaholic tax.

But this means you’ll meet all kinds of people, whom you wouldn’t have met otherwise. And, when you get to 60, you’ll meet people who are just getting there too. So it all works out in the end, and for the best. :slight_smile:

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This is the million dollar question. Like seriously. Classic is going no where. Take it as slow as you want to go. Don’t get caught up trying to keep up with no life losers who not only rush but expect you to rush.

It is your game. Enjoy it


That should be Classic WoW’s marketing slogan right there.

Retail is Blizz’s game. Classic is ours.


See you in bgs when I farm you.

This is going to be an ongoing game, its not just going to stop when the top end robots clear naxx… theres always going to be someone running everything.

This is so true. I was hoping to stay on Legion and skip BFA. But then Blizzard nerfed everything in Legion and then took away the artifact weapons (or something like that). So, I can’t experience Legion on my alts like I did on my mages back when Legion was the current expansion.

But at least I sorta got over my altaholism and got 2 alts to 110, one for each faction.

I didn’t start vanilla until after AQ was out and I got to 60 and was able to see at least every raid to some extent. I’m sure there’ll be plenty of us casuals this time around.

You will be fine. No matter when you hit 60 people will still be doing dungeons and MC.

It’s very common for guilds to recruit undergeared people and they give them the ole boost run to catch them up on gear.

So TLDR just play whenever you feel like it no big deal :slight_smile:

You get there later.



The beauty of Vanilla was that regardless of when you joined, there would always be content for you to enjoy, including with others. Not the catch-up vacuole you see in many other MMOs including retail. Of course maybe after 2-3 years the earlier content might start emptying out, but we can worry about that then.

You will be abandoned like the previous nights waste.
Forced to wander battlegrounds and dungeons forever. Feeding the few blades desperate enough to sully their honor, for what little your gristled corpse can provide.

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