What Happens If I Fall Behind?

No. Only 1% of the pop will be racing to 60. Don’t forget: there are many with days jobs and what-not who will just be as behind as you. This isn’t retail where you can reach 120 in like 5 hours.


It’s a casual slow game, there will always be people creating toons and wanting to level.

Obviously you have your speed levelers and hardcore players, but they are in the minority. The majority of players didn’t even raid in vanilla.


That depends everyone else. If everyone is leveling alts, there should, in theory, always be a group of people to play with at every step of the game. But if this is just a rush and then generally no real interest in going back and re-leveling or restarting raid progression, then it can be all over before you even really get to start.

You’re just going to have to try it and see what happens.

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One of the biggest draws I have for Classic is that your progress - whether fast or slow - will last.

It won’t be reset every Patch, sending everyone scurrying to make giant progress immediately or get left behind the curve if they miss a few too many dailies early on.

While I’m sure Classic will have a pretty strong group of outliers who blaze their way to 60 and hit the ground running for end-game, I really don’t think they’ll be anything but a small group of dedicated souls. I think from what I’ve read on the Forums and in various places that most players will be like you - people who are eager to play the game but have lives, jobs, families, travel and everything else that keep them from dedicating overwhelming amounts of hours to play.

And that’s ok! Because that means people will be all spread out at various points, the fast levelers will be coming back up the levels again on their first Alt, and there should be plenty of company spread out everywhere.

And best of all? Whatever you do get to do will count as lasting progress and not cease to matter a few months down the road. So do what you can and enjoy it!


Who are you trying to keep up with? With the amount of people who are going to enjoy Classic casually, to the high number of alts that will be played, I think you will find folks to quest with.

I mean, they are giving us 50 character slots for Classic. Maxing them out won’t be quick! :slight_smile:


You can’t fall behind. You can only catch up. The game only goes as far as Naxx and then stops. I don’t believe most people who will be sticking around will be racing to the end. Many are going to take a while to reach max level, and many will be making alts to go through several times. So no worries.

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It doesn’t matter how much you take your time, you’re inevitably going to get to 60, and then if you keep doing 5 mans, you’re going to run out of stuff you need from them. With enough time at a casual pace, you WILL be full BiS.

It’s completely up to if people are going to be willing to restart.

Until we get to that point, it can go either way. We won’t know until we get there.

I personally will be leveling a Paladin to 60 and then immediately will level a Warrior to 60 and i assume i am not alone. Many people will be leveling several alts before the huge raid scene blows up because a majority of players aren’t going to be hitting 60 in a week or even 2 weeks.

I like vanilla endgame, but I really enjoyed leveling up my main and fully intend to take my time this time around to enjoy it. I will also be leveling up a separate character with my brother whenever we are online together. I don’t plan to hit 60 quickly at all. Don’t worry, there will be lots of people taking their time right along side you.

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You’ll spiral into a deep, unforgiving abyss of depression.

You’ll claw and claw just to hear the sweet sound of someone pitying you enough to send you a group invite, only to have them kick you as your progression item drops.

Deep down, you’ll know you’ll never amount to anything more than “casul”, the mere word a scarlet letter etched into your soul.

Eventually you’ll give up, parking your avatar atop a hill in that level 36 zone to forever thousand-yard-stare into the distance, into the horizon known as endgame, that you’ll never ever reach.


There is no such thing as “falling behind” because at any given point in the arc of Vanilla, there will be other people just ahead waiting for you to catch up, and others coming along behind to bolster your group’s numbers. Everyone is on a long trail and while you might be behind the front runners, you’ll have plenty of company along the way.

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Hopefully nothing.

But not having people to play with and do dungeons with does kind of suck. So long term hope you are in the initial rush.

Even if you’re “behind” the first wave of players, people still run the dungeons for low drop rate items and to get to areas that are needed in order to craft stuff you can’t do elsewhere.

Nah, there will be hundreds of people that play just like you do so you’ll have players around your level at all times. PvP servers especially since players will be leveling twink alts at each bracket.

Jesus man


You will be fine! Just take your time and enjoy the experience. Leveling is much slower in Classic than BfA, so there will be players at all different levels and skills to meet.

The same thing that happens to every character in horror movies that falls behind.


Youll befine, all raids up until like AQ40 are pretty easy mode for the casual play and fairly attainable with time, effort and some knowledge.

This was the genius of Vanilla. Naxx-raiding guilds still had compelling reasons to do the level-60 dungeons, MC, ZG, BWL and AQ40.

So a new guy “catching up” to them will definitely still get to do those zones.

Because its a new game and all the leveling is slow it wont be an issue for at least a year. Unless the population really nose dives. There should be plenty of guilds though early on to keep you leveling unless you plan is like a level a month