What happened to Go'el?

Speak for yourself. Not everyone of us is riding that road of angst of complaining about every single authorial act while still shelling out that 15 per month.

If I felt the way the complainers claim that they do, I’d have cut off this game long ago.

It’s sloppy writing and arrogant to assume that your thoughts are representative.

Alexandros Mograine is pretty much in the exact same position as Draka is, Baron of the same House, and he seems very much still attached to his son.


He’s very much attached to his son, it’s his attachments that where the reason he was sent to maldraxxus cause he only desired to get strong to protect his family.

Thrall writer dad calling him thrall too. So I guess we are.

the name had too much baggage, rebranding back to thrall seems to have done the trick.

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Personally, I think we’ve had enough of his identity crisis. With him abandoning his people and even now feeling guilted back into the Horde.

Go’el has been used as an escape by Thrall to ignore the responsibilities and expectations placed upon him for years. Him being a husband and father is fine, him spitting on the memories of Grom and Doomhammer is not. They gave their lives so he could at least lead the MU Orcish people to a brighter future … and he’s ignored that duty for far to long too sulk and mope.


Very much this, Go’el is not a name well liked due to it being used as a way for Thrall to escape his duties to his people, to the friends whom died for him, and where redeemed by him. Also Go’el is synonymous with his stint as world shaman aka Green Jesus.

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Everyone but the guy that wrote it hated it. So everyone stopped. Even Blizzard.

Yeah but Go’el was specifically his “Not gonna lead the orcs no more” identity. And he’s given up on that identity. And thus, the name.

To be fair… how long is he supposed to do that? Thrall isn’t immortal so at some point another orc or group of orcs should be standing up. Why isn’t he entited to a life of his own where he can leave that identity behind?

It’s not really up to him to see to that succession given how bad at it he’s already proven himself to be.


Garrosh was only to be temporary till Go’el ran away.

How about … longer than dumping it on the first nepotism child he can find? The guy only led the Horde for what? 8 years? From Year 20 and the rise of the New Horde up until the Cataclysm in year 28? Wow … such sacrifice! And no one is expecting him to be Warchief anymore. What we expect him to be is just the damned MU Orcish Chieften he was born to be; that Grom, Doomhammer, and now Saurfang expected him to be. He can be a Father & Husband and still be that.

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That’s a heck of a load to carrry. Take a look at how much the average American President ages during those eight years. Unless of course you’re someone like the incumbent who hardly bothers to do the work.


Why can’t Thrall become immortal? There’s like eighty immortal alliance characters. Thrall is the World Shaman. Make him immortal, Blizzard. Don’t be a coward.

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He’s not an “Average American President”. He’s the son of Durotan, the Chieften of the Frostwolves. He’s the Hope of Grom and Doomhammer, the Chieftens of the Blackrock and Warsong. He was friends to Cairne, Vol’jin, and Jaina … and he spit on all their memories. If all he wants to be is Go’el … then he should take that wretched, pathetic person and live on that dying world. Because he’s hurt and betrayed so many he claimed to care about to hide behind the excuse of family.

I hope Draka absolutely brutilizes him for his horrific behavior. He’s brought shame upon the Frostwolves through his actions since in MoP. She died for him too … I wonder how she’ll feel about how he’s squandered that sacrifice? Baine’s not the only one who needs to toughen up in SL.

Thrall escaped his bondage, he led his people out of slavery and defied the Alliance’s attempt to capture them. He and his people were also there when it counted at Hyjal, so hardly a squander of a sacrifice.

He made the best of a horrific upbringing. Given his circumstances, it’s not surprising that not every decision he makes is a perfectly correct one.


He led his people into a desert where they face repeated famines, despite how much Blizz likes to invalidate that. He was instrumental at trying to create an international organization combining very different peoples, then left that all within 8 years time.

Thrall abandoned his people. His decision to force Garrosh into the drivers seat of his fledgling Horde he created during a partially Alliance imposed famine was a horrific choice. It also directly attributed to many of the tragedies that befell his once friends and their peoples; especially after he consistently refused to come back. He is to be held accountable for his part in that, no matter how much he’s tried to hide and deny it for years.

Thrall needs to grow up. Its time for him to accept the role he was destined for for the MU Orcish people. A duty entrusted to him by so many people who’s trust he’s broken. And if you think the General of Maldraxxus who’s lost two Margraives who trusted her isn’t going to act negatively to his hiding … I’m not sure what to tell you. Draka may be his mother, but she has clearly become a person who takes self-sacrifice and duty to others very seriously.


I think it’s just grown as a nickname and only his wife calls him by his real name. He’s not made any stink of it in the story, so, it is what it is.


Yoko Ono had nothing to do with the Beatles breakup. The hate the fans gave her is nothing more than good old fashioned anti-Asian racism. Lennon had tried the standard model wife and that relationship did not work out, becuase he was the most unconventional of the Fab Four, electing to put aside his musical career to raise his son.

The problem is that the Beatles had four talented members that each by themselves could have been the centerpiece of a band. The surprising thing is not that they broke up but that they lasted together as long as they did once they hit it big.


Well then is an apt comparison to Aggra I suppose. She’s an easy outlet for breaking up the WC3 Horde cast; but not the cause. Regardless, I am truly sick of her constantly reminding us that Thrall is only back because he feels guilty. Its just another feces flavored sprinkle on the whole Horde experience these days that that is the reality of things. With Blizz constantly shaming is for the faction we chose to play, and that they took for a joyride without care for the consequences.

2 years and counting. And thats if you don’t include MoP onward, and are just focusing on the cesspool that BfA has left us. We didn’t even get to enjoy the high of playing a part in the defeat of the Legion for the fall. Outside of Surumar, you could have written the entire Faction out without changing a thing. The Alliance defeated the Legion. The Horde just kind of was there.

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I don’t think it’s his fault for eventually wanting to lay the axe down. Nobody’s decided it was a life-time appointment. I’m sure he never even considered a time where it was even possible. Living to old age as a fighter is a rare thing.

I think what is his fault is how sloppily he handled it. He did essentially nothing to prep future leaders or contingencies. He left Garrosh in Eitrigg’s care like a babysitter and took off to go be Earth Warder and World’s Best Dad. I’m not opposed to the idea of him returning to that in the story, but I feel he needs to actually build the infrastructure so that he isn’t a key component for its function. If he had, say, died due to medical complications or violence, that would had exposed the flaw of this new civilization he had built in the worst possible way. It behooves him to find and fix these flaws before he retires.