What gaming music do you listen to when playing WoW?

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Pull faster!

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What the hell is wrong with some of you kids? I can’t comprehend the magnitude of disappointment your ancestors must feel…

Even the stunty dwarves make better music than 90% of what you freeking knife ears have brought to the table… And what’s with the humans and all that NOT-Metal? GROW SOME NARDS KIDS!!!

And here’s some from my people…

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Sorry to disappoint you, Roargathor, but:

"…everybody needs somebody, somebody to remind you that you’re not alone, who’s going to defend you like an army…

YASSSS!! Queens!! Love their not to metal and the spooky stuff.

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If there was a hate button, I would destroy my mouse from clicking it so much…

It’s been a Ladyhawke and Van She kind of day.

Ladyhawke - My Delirium

Ladyhawke - Black White & Blue

Van She - Strangers

Van She - Jamaica

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Slayer - Bloodline - YouTube

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I primarily listen to the game music.

But sometimes when I want deeper immersion, I play the soundtrack to The Fountain. Especially for spooky zones like Drustvar. For something more lighthearted, I play music by David Arkenstone, like his Atlantis album. For something in the middle, his Echoes of Light and Shadow album.

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The wow gaming music coming from my speakers.

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Eh, the tune to which I listen to changes upon the mood I am in.

Edit: Hmmm… Apparently the link will not work. The song I am currently listening to is called “God” by “Divide Music”.

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Depends on the character I am playing.

On my Warrior I listen to stuff like 80’s rock, metal, power metal, and recently found a band Danheim that makes viking music which is fitting for my warrior, I pretend he is a smol Vrykul.

On my monk I listen to a lot of 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s “pop” music or really just like any upbeat kind of music. His theme song is “Games People Play” by Mel Tormé.

Most of my other characters, casters and female characters, listen to a lot of… I don’t know, varieties of modern techno music? I don’t know what they call them these days. But also a lot of Lady Gaga.

I have a very vivid imagination and often daydream about action sequences or music videos to songs I am listening to that involve my WoW characters.

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TLDR: People man.

i… listen to the in-game … music?

Why do people not appreciate instrumental music anymore. Some areas are really quite beautiful