What Funny Questions Will We See the Most from the "Tourists?"

I actually asked that in the last stress test. I played in Vanilla, too, just forgot.


Only Chuck Norris can give this meme permission to die.

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I used to pull that one when someone I didn’t like died, was super fun when I’d rez someone else later.


F**k Hogger.

“why cant the druid rez me?”

Where’s :clap: the :clap: Guild Bank? :clap:

I will admit. I feel like I have forgotten a ton of stuff since vanilla. I am sure there will be several moments where I will go, “Oh Yeah!” And I think that add to the experience for me in a good way.


The horror on their face and angry statements in chat once they are told they are walking till lvl 40 :wink: I honestly may end up having to turn off chat during the first week otherwise I will never level as I would be too entertained reading all the chats… lol


I love Hogger and Stitches between the two it’s a wonderful change to the early leveling process. I remember my first times running into both and I can’t wait to run into them again and see if my memory still holds true.

Poor Hogger in Retail… so damn emasculated. I honestly felt bad for him when I ran into him on retail… “What have they done to you Hogger… and why???”

Sad that too many people cried about having your character knocked on their butt, just get back up… form a group and kick his butt back. Don’t tune him down…


Why is this paladin rolling on cloth?
Why is the warrior rolling on mail?
What is of the Monkey,Eagle,TIger,Wolf, Boar, Bear
Whats this keyring for ?
Why is this Night elf female dancing naked on steps in stormwind?
I got alot more but its 8:30 am when i’m posting this and i still haven’t been to bed lol

Why can’t I equip this mail lvl22 quest reward on my hunter?
What do you mean “downrank your heal spell”?
Why can’t this tank hold aggro?
Why do I need a threat meter?
Where are the enchanting scrolls on the AH?

What the hell is the paper doll slot?

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LF2M BRD NEED Healer and tank. No more rogues. No more hunters. IRONFOE RESERVED. Don’t suck!

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Haha this one right here!

“Reserved”… oh man people can be such babies…

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The Dark Knight Rises

Everyone who didn’t level an enchanter in Vanilla and picks it up in Classic will be shouting that.

rocks back and forth at the memories of advertising to run Uldaman


It got et up by Wowhead.

Just like in Vanilla!

Hogger in the current game is a dungeon boss. They buffed him from what he was.

The thing with Hogger back in Vanilla wasn’t that he was all that tough, it was that he patrolled through an area with a lot of mobs so a fight with him often involved a lot of other Gnolls who would also run at low health and bring even more mobs. If you cleared an area and got him into it as a one on one fight, he wasn’t hard to kill at all.

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lol, the “reserved” statement will sure trigger a lot of players. If I saw that I wouldn’t join. Why would I agree to anything “reserved” if they need others to even attempt to complete the dungeon? Why are other players contributions any less than the next player?

Now there may be reasons why someone would want to “reserve” a piece of gear, especially if it is specific for their class, possibly a BoP and harder to come by, but I think there is a nicer way to go about it.