What Fool Removed Layering?

Hey all,

So there is hundreds of Alliance sitting in Stormwind, lagging it up today. Once you leave it, after struggling for minutes to click through people to select the flight master and then fight the lag to fly out, you can get to Blackrock Mountain. There, you will find hundreds more Alliance trying to get past several hundreds more of Horde, who are lined up from every entrance all the way to BWL. The last of these Horde are stacked on top of the entrance Orb to the point where you literally can’t even click it.

As you fight your way inside, the lag is so unbearably bad that nobody on either side knows what they’re even doing. This “fun” game of World PVP is just throwing darts in the darkness because the servers are clearly not capable of processing this massive lag. These Horde also somehow find it fun to sit and gank in this laggy random kill generator? But I digress.

Anyways, this is literally unplayable. So props to the Horde who are griefing in it… like honestly, I don’t understand the fun in this. This is unprofessional of a company like Blizzard.

Can you kindly fix this Blizzard? Maybe also fire the idiot intern who removed layering?

Thanks babe.



second line

There is jerks on both sides. We are in together against blizzard’s decision. What did it accomplish really other than preventing us to raid, which is one of the only activity i’m doing on my main right now…

And it’s all because some sweaty nerds can’t stand raiding without world buffs. Sad world.

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This server will likely die soon.

Alliance dispelling hordies buffs, hordies now preventing people from raiding, combined with the unbearable lag from the removed layers.

Both sides need to take a chill pill or this will be stalagg/skeram 2.0, which will be the fault of transfer guilds, from both sides of the isle. I miss when we got made fun of for being a dad server and had a nice place to play.

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This is what warcraft is all about, WAR, If you have a problem you made a huge mistake & should have rolled on a PVE server, it’s why they exist, This server is far from dead, it’s alive & vibrant & more pumped than ever to engage in world PVP.

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It’s not war if it takes you 5-10 seconds to maybe sometimes cast the spell or ability you’re trying to cast. It’s not war if you can’t even select the flight master or the BWL Orb without some type of script.

And it’s not PVP if you’re drowning in lag. But hey, if some neckbeard Horde incels think camping BRM with so many people that it breaks the space-time continuum is cool, all the power to them. They sound like they’d be really fun at parties.

The BRM camping would be fine if the server could handle the stress of all the people who have transferred here in recent months. But it obviously cannot.

Zoom in first person click the orb, it took me 10 seconds, No one is forcing you to raid on tuesday, no one is forcing you to play on a pvp server, In vanilla Lag and dc’s were much worst, lag is better than it’s ever been, It’s war, adapt or die.

Talk to the hordies that got so butthurt over their buffs being dispelled that they cause this. They should have rolled PVE if they are that buttmad over it and want their buffs.

This server WILL die if this is a regular occurrence.

“Lag is better than it’s ever been”

This game is 16 years old and we are playing on a server with a current population of roughly 4-5x that of a maximum population server on Vanilla because this is the course of action Blizzard chose to take.

If you’re trolling, you’re doing a good job, because your opinion lacks any appearance of the capacity to think. This is 2020. There should be no lag. Period. Full stop.

Some big words there for nothing, anyone who played vanilla knows it’s better, as for your expectation for no lag, that is just absurd.

wE sHoUlD qUinTuPlE sErVeR cApAcITy aNd ReMoVe lAyErs sO tHaT tHeRe iS tEn sEcOnD cAsT lAg ON A lOw-gRaPhIcS lOw-InPuT gAmE fRuM 2004

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Transfer, reroll, or deal with it, the power is yours.

Or better yet, make a post about it and have Blizzard do the reasonable thing: implement layering unless and until they implement hardware/software based solutions.

Furthermore, this wouldn’t even be an issue on Benediction if Blizzard handled server transfers better. There is no guarantee that transferring or rerolling would prevent this given how server transfers seem to target and ruin new servers every few months.

This isn’t a Horde vs. Alliance thing. This is a consumer vs. company thing.

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got to a pve server. u dont want pvp. this isnt a layering problem.