What food does each race eat the most of

Beef specifically is weird to me since tauren are cows, lol.


No different than if we ate a chimp or bonobo

Altho they’d probably taste awful

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Humans are classified as apes yet in many parts of the world humans eat apes. I imagine that taurens would feel no more connected to cows than we do to bonobos.


It happens :wink:

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Or stuff you gotta spray on chickens or chicken feed that keep chickens from snacking on each other if they die

Lol beat me to it and its strange that you chose bonobos as well. A fellow fan of the systematic classification of life I see.


You don’t wanna know where my brain went ngl.

Yeah it’d be like a human eating a monkey. Technically not cannabalism but would expect it to be taboo. Also is there even cows in Kalimdor?

Nope and there is a reason for that…
