What FFXIV story telling gets right that Blizzard should learn from

Eh it is more that well when people talk about FF14 they always praise the story etc.

And then when it comes to other things it is all “Yeah but… the story dude! THE STORY!! OH MY GOD IT IS SOOO GOOD!”

I tried playing it, gave it a solid 4 hours and was bored the entire time. Just nothing grabbed my attention or interest in FF.

I played it as well, tried it out, but the systems and stuff was too confusing. Think I reached lvl 20 or so but the FFanatics just kept on “Dude just get to lvl 50/60 the story gets so fun”

And I just think that “Well if it cant capture me in the start which is something other mmos have done, then it has failed me, not the opposite”

Simply put I tried it didnt find it fun.

If you dont find super mario fun, but then people say “Dude it becomes so much more fun when you get the Fire powerup” then It simply isnt going to capture them.

Ok bad comparison.

Going to the gym for -… actually that doesnt work.

Swtor managed to capture me because the RPG decisions worked for me, it allowed me to get the experience I wanted. WoW allows that too. if i feel like my gear is holding me down for my spec/class while leveling i just queue up for dungeons finish them get gear for my underleveled character… And bam it feels more fun.


lol I was about to say hold up with the gym comments bro, I practically live there :joy:.

But no that’sa right way to look at it, why do I have to put in the work to something I find wholly unsatisfying in the first few hours to get to a point where things start to pick up in the narrative? A game is supposed to capture my attention from the start, not force me to slog through things to essentially “unlock” the start of the good story.

Actually it is more of a "If I have to put in 20 hours to -MAYBE- enjoy it more. "


The start is definitely the worst part.

I don’t think anyone is claiming FFXIV is a perfect product. For some people it is worth that poor introduction period for the payoff. For some people it isn’t. That’s fine. Ideally of course it would always be fun.


In an ideal world it would be lol, not bashing it for others I merely never enjoyed it. And 4 hours I feel is a fair chance to a game to see if it can grab my attention.


I don’t think that’s linked to the number of characters so much as the kind of stories they tell with them and how the characters relate to the PC in those scenes. As mentioned in another post, the Alliance PC accompanies Jaina Proudmoore on a very intimate, emotional family story–but there aren’t any scenes where she treats the PC as a personal friend because of it. That’s what gives you a connection with an NPC.


XIV has a badge system to make upgrading gear not a total casino like it’s been with WoW since Legion. For that alone I prefer it now.


Not completely but it’s part of the issue. Using Jaina as an example we actually don’t accompany Jaina through an intimate, family story.

Jaina gets thrown in Thros and we fudge around Kul Tiras without her until we finally decide she’s worth saving and we finally see her worth through her family issues, but as you stated without us because she only interacts with her mother.

But before any of that, I’m dicking around Kul Tiras with Flynn, then Taelia, then Order of Embers, then Brother Pike, lets not forget about the Alliance forces during the War Campaign. Maybe a couple of more people and we’ll have enough to run a mythic.


I see what you’re saying, but I feel like the quality of time we could have theoretically spent with Jaina is more important than the quantity. (Or Talanji, for the Horde equivalent.) I think I’d get a bit tired of following the same NPC around for two years of real time.


I wish they set this up like the title system in Fable I. You can choose to be referred to by a nickname that is voiced.


I’d settle for them just calling me “you”, since obviously they can’t have player names in voiced audio. Anything that doesn’t make it sound like we’re someone they only just met; I’ve been doing these peoples’ work for them for over a decade.

God it’s just, so weird. The Maw intro is the specific part I’m talking about that rubbed me the wrong way. Jaina says “The portal is reacting to This Champion!” as if I’m a stranger to her.

I don’t even like Jaina, and not being her friend or whatever isnt the issue. I just want the story to acknowledge me instead of using me as a camera while I stand around and watch other characters experience the plot.


Please let us not make it into something as ridiculous as pronouns.

Problem with personalizing your character in WoW compared to FFXIV is because your FF character has done important things because it is part of the story. Like when you first go to Ishgard and Edmont Fortemps says “ This is the one who bested Gaius Van Baelsar and half a dozen primals, you will show them the respect they deserve”. This is perhaps one of my favorite moments in the game because this shows you are recognized by specific accomplishments because you had to do them as part of the story.

WoW can not do this because a player doesn’t have to beat Arthas, go to Outland, or fight back The Legion. As WoW is now you can just dungeon spam to 50 if you wanted too and them jump into SL.

Only way I could see WoW improving is by starting fresh. Meaning WoW 2. Also they need to work on their voice acting. The Jaina actor is good, but spoiler when Darion found out his father was a baron of Maldraxxus and was in The Maw there was no feeling in that voice acting


WoW is a creature of the old Everquest tradition, just made more accessible. I mean, hell, story beats have been locked behind content that only a fraction got to participate in.

I love WoW because of memories, and yes, the world and characters. But if I were looking for a game which catered better to my desired playstyle, feel, and respect for my available time?

I’d have dumpstered WoW a long time ago.

That’s just your subjective opinion man, I think WoWs story is better. I like story’s that don’t revolve around your character, like FFXIV does.

i hate the characters in ffxiv they are all uncanny valley to me and look really creepy

you thought gnomes were bad check this out


From where did you dig up this eldritch abomination?!

just googled the race name cause I remember, its lalafel
and fel is right cause that #$%^ is demonic