What expansion is after Dragonflight?

I’d pay all the money in the world for a Murloc themed expansion or continent.

Give us a continent or entire zone filled with nothing but Murloc NPC’s and the few silly NPC’s in Murloc suits.

I want a Murloc raid boss and I want to hear the death cry of MRRRLGLGLGLGL all across Azeroth.

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Free my boy Sargeras, he ain’t do nothin’!

Necro thread and all…

That said, my money is squarely on Light vs Void. It’s been more than hinted at as far back as Pandaland and probably even before. The void in particular has been a constant antagonist playing a part in every expansion to date I can think of. We also have evidence that the light is not a benevolent entity either and likely as apt to take up out as the void would.

I can see an expansion where we’re basically caught between both cosmic forces and forced to fend off both.


11.0 is the World of Warcraft 20th Anniversary Edition so whatever it is, it’s been in the works longer than you realize, and why DF will release this year.

Dude… can get at least get to dragonflight first? :roll_eyes:

World of Wokeness.


Wokescolds of Draenor.
Or maybe Wrath of the Yaas Kween.

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World of Mythic Plus

But you will be wrong so

Return of Arthas

WoW: Homecoming. Player housing, woodworking profession, re-emphasis on Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, and revamped/updated holidays. Possible story: something is attacking the original continents and the new zones could be underground or in sky/space.


Time will tell.

It’s not unlikely that they will add an entirely new planet from which we can get to w ~interdimensional~ means

World of Warcraft: Return of the High Elves

World of Warcraft: Return to the Shadowlands.

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I think that is what it will all end up to. Having Turalyon act as Alliance’s ruler while Anduin is in SL will end up him deciding that the Alliance as faltered too far from the light, and he will take it upon him to guide us back. He will learn about the Lightbound in alternate Draenor and make contact with Yrel who will then start a crusade to force us to embrace the Light or die.

Death to the First Ones and the Complete Unraveling of the Universe.

  • When we win, we die. WOW ends and they release Warcraft 4 as an RTS.

World of World of World of Warcraft.

It’s an expansion where we play ourselves playing ourselves, playing World of Warcraft.

How dare you use that word around here…


cataclysm…. oops wrong channel