What evil shenanigans do you cause with your warlock?

What do you guys do in game to make sure people know that you are an evil warlock and the most dangerous class in the game? Please share y our stories.

Used to have fun with putting DGW’s on top of one another so people would go the wrong way. But these days people have the colors down so they can figure it out.

So I guess CC-ing low levels. Just following them around spamming Fear.

back when I did arenas I would seduce someone then /dance at them while they cant do anything, followed by several fears before my imminent demise. I may not get the kill but dang it if don’t love waiting to see how long it takes for them to trinket out of my fear. their rage is like soul shards with how much it nourishes me.

Old lfr stories but back in mop, first raid tier had a boss that would make players attackable so given how hard chaos bolt hit I could 1 shot low geared people by just bolting them on purpose lol.

Also could “accidently” pull extra trash with my pet which people could never figure out who pulled and wiped everyone.

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I put the soulwell right on the keystone in mythics so people can’t start their keys.

Back in the day I used to unless infernals and doomguard in org.

I also use my soulwell to my advantage. I have the habit of putting my soulwell down in raid finder and set my gateway up ontop of the portal and put the other end of the portal on the boss. So people accidentally click the portal instead of the soulwell.

I put summon stones on the edge of platforms so people run off when they get summoned

In MoP, I was the monster who ran Fury of Mannoroth in PvP/WPvP, on Emerald Dream. So you know, the glory days of Clan Battlehammer, 50-60 dwarves fighting over 100 Horde on a regular basis, often losing due to zerg tactics and mass numbers, but sometimes winning, and just… raining FIRE.

Even did an AV with the Clan where I went 73-0, cackling like a maniac the whole time. In BfA, using the Heart of Azeroth, I alone turned back a Horde advance (we still lost the BG, I was solo queing anyway) on the bridge to Dun Baldar due to MASS RAIN OF FIRE SPAM + RAIN OF CHAOS (and the essence ability which doubled Soul Shard generation).

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I play a gnome engineer. Is that evil enough?

Through devious means my Felguard wields Ashkandur.

I force my succubus to hold hands with her Seduction target.

Putting a gateway so the other end ends up at the bottom of a lava lake, for one. Not always possible but some raids can do it. I also tend to summon people very close to the edge of a cliff. One time I had a monk cheese it so he was floating over a cliff (shennanigans with toys and that clone position swap ability) then proceeded to summon people literally off the edge. I do a lot of swapblasting… if someone in my raid group provokes me (we’re all friends so its all good) I’ll manually summon and hand out all the healthstones just so that he doesn’t get one… etc.