What druid form do you reallly realllllly want in the future?

i’m not sure blizzard has the talent to put a cerval in the game. i mean, as far as they’re concerned, they’re both just yellow ‘n’ spotted cats.

like, they’d probably shrink down the cheetah one, and claim it was a cerval.

  • Feral - Cat girl form
  • Guardian - Bear girl form
  • travel ground - Deer girl form
  • travel swimming - Fish girl form
  • travel flying - Birb girl form
  • balance form - Moonkin girl form
  • restoration form - Tree girl form

im geting the spray bottle even tho i agree. this dirty mind needs to be cleaned.

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Feral - Raptor or Wolf
Guardian - Devilsaur
Ground - Fox
Swimming - Thresher
Flying - Sprite Darter
Balance - No form option that isn’t glowing
Rosto - Dryad

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For pandaren druid forms, I personally think the list below is better, because we don’t need two turtle forms.

Xuen - cat form

Niuzao - bear form

Chi-Ji - balance form

Pandaren Phoenix or Yu’lon - flying form

Yak - travel form

Turtle - water form

I couldn’t think of a healing form so forest spirit is a good idea.

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Honestly, I just want more forms like the Zandalari dino forms. More stuff that isn’t just bears and cats and moonkin.

I’m not sure what forms I wanted for druids but I DO know what druids need for aquatic travel form…

An otter!


I want the fire owl thats locked to mythic

Just saw this…what are you on about??

The OP asked what druid forms I wanted in the future, and I replied with the druid forms I wanted in the future :smiley:

I like Nightmare stuff. So, something like that.

Kinda want a harpy form for balance. Maybe Dryad.

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I want to get my druid forms like hunter pet taming.

Maybe add back the druid trainer, like a special druid barber, to add customizations to them. Could have “skill trees” like the rock climbing activity to earn unique ones.


I just want a slightly higher resolution tree >.> Is that too much to ask for?

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  • Feral - Shirvallah (sp?) or Pack
  • Gaurdian - Ground Sloth
  • travel ground - greyhound
  • travel swimming - walrus
  • travel flying - hummingbird
  • balance form - whatever Malfurion is
  • restoration form - swarm of lightning bugs
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You know what’d be cool?

A cosmetic form that lets you scan any beast mob, like a transformer, and lets you turn into it.

It wouldn’t have any combat. Just to like AFK in.

  • Feral - werecat, with full customization like moonkin
  • Guardian - fire scorpion (like Fandral had)
  • travel ground - cobra (getting sick of all the deer or deerlike creatures)
  • travel swimming - swordfish or sailfish
  • travel flying - Phoenix form (like Fandral had)
  • balance form - high Arrokoa
  • restoration form - lasher style plant
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  1. Feral - Something icy themed. Like the old Stormsaber mount could be cool.
  2. Guardian - A fiery bear to match the fiery cat and boomie.
  3. Travel ground - Bakar
  4. Travel swimming - Ottuk
  5. travel flying - Ohuna form.
  6. Balance form - /
  7. Restoration form - /
  • Feral - Wolf
  • Gaurdian - Dire Wolf/Boar
  • travel ground - Snake
  • travel swimming - Otter
  • travel flying - Uh… Pegasus?
  • balance form - Satyr
  • restoration form - Dryad/Keeper of the Grove

Instead of that goofy tree bear with green back we got…Id prefer the red backed one thats in the new zone. MUCH nicer looking. Dont understand these decisions sometimes. We got more vomit green but there was cool red right there instead.

feral- Kimbul
guardian - more colors on swolebear
travel ground-- you know I really liked that fox form from shadowlands, the blue one. How about that?

travel swimming–honestly dont care lol, you barely spend any time in water anyways
travel flying-- Maybe an eagle?
balance-- would love an option like malfurion, just your humanoid form, no blue glow like glyph of stars
restoration–would love a permanent verison of Tree of Life…that’d be awesome.