What Does Vanilla's Endgame Look Like?

Psy’s point stands regardless of how little gold buying there is in Era currently. ‘Everyone’ wasn’t meant to be taken literally. Most MMO players prefer a p2w element in their games.

When Era launched it was RMT like a barbarian until it was TBC. Its not a problem in Era now because P6 and Era is an extremely niche group.

Is kinda the point we have been making about Era, its not an RMT swamp.

Never played that way, and I don’t know anyone who ever has purchased gold, honestly even in WOTLK I knew so many people (completely geared out from raiding) that were still riding on slow mounts because they just were broke. Do some people on the servers, sure, but I suspect the number while significant, is far lower then the RMT doomsayers want to think it is.

I hope you realize that people who buy gold or are really really geared and you’re not exactly sure how don’t go and tell you they bought gold and ran a few GDKPs.

I’m speaking of the people that DID tell me and boast about it saying how blizzard doesn’t ban buyers.

Thread about Classic Era where gold buying isn’t a problem… But you keep dragging that strawman up from the basement like its some kinda secret gotcha weapon.

Gold buying was a problem in classic 2019, it was problem in TBC, Wrath, SoD, Cata and retail, but its virtually nonexistent in Era.

Man whitemane GDKPs must be super profitable then to have people bidding almost 100k on some items still. Is gressil still gold cap?

You’re asking the wrong guy, I don’t Gold DKP, and fact is you don’t need to do that to gear up. You can actually raid normally to great effect.

The gold economy while a lil bloated from the SoM flood that came and thank god left, is reasonably healthy, you can buy and sell and make gold naturally on the AH via trades and normal activities.

So you can that your effigy of hyperbole back to the basement now.

Gressil is generally gold cap plus some. But prices have been lower recently so you may get one for 125-200k if you’re lucky.

Yeah but it was when it was the only Classic WoW in town. RMT is down because the population is. GDKPs are still a thing apparently and not all 40 people in them are going to be squeaky clean.

Just goes back to Psy’s point about the majority preference of the MMO genre. Era isn’t a swamp but it isn’t immune either.

I think it still is, though I agree that there seem to be less bots lately. There’s still been a couple farming elementals in arathi all week on Grobb though :frowning:

The trouble is, even if Blizz eradicated it completely from now going forward (which I still hope they do!), wealth has pooled to insane amounts. GDKP can do whatever it wants, I’ll never participate in one so I don’t have to worry about what the buyouts are for, but that wealth pooling does have a tendency to make consumable prices insanely high.

That also wouldn’t be a problem if I could just farm my own but last time I tried stuff was pretty farmed out (typically by bots). Maybe that’s changed too, I left Mankrik for Grob on my raiding main a few months back. It’s been great over there since there’s just not enough bots to impact my day to day, just frustrate me a bit that they exist lol.

I’m still against it, but whoever had that thread a while back about a full gold reset… well that does sound tempting!

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I would happily embrace a full gold re-set long as they violently smash anyone buying gold with a perma battlenet ban so that all their battlent games are vaporized instantly.

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It’s really the only way but it’ll just send the bots into a panic and we’ll see 100’s flooding from northshire again like after each ban wave.

Take Warmane pserver for example. They do yearly or 6 month gold resets by 50%, it keeps the inflation down enough but stuff just stagnates and never gets expensive or cheaper, just flat. Now if they did a full reset it’ll take since it’s wrath 5-6 months to get back to peak inflation.

For classic era it’ll take a good year or 2 for full inflation like we were seeing last year on whitemane being the most expensive time for era.

So yes a full reset would feel “fresh” and it’d breath some life. Yes it’ll make people who grinded for their gold legit salty but it’s necessary. Specially if it’s deleting millions of stocked gold saved on bot accounts or bought gold on main accounts.

I’d argue we start an official petition for a 100% gold reset for next year’s start.

Hardware ban as well to prevent some spoofing crap too.

A gold reset would not hurt bots, a gold reset would simply open up a huge new market, and likely the only people helped by a gold reset would be the bots.

I don’t think that’s necessarily true. Still, I want to preface this with a statement that I’m not advocating for one here. I can see the value in something but still think it’s a bad idea haha.

With that out of the way, the core problem here is that, as Psychachi pointed out, there’s a lot of gold stockpiled right now. Even if we assume (which I don’t) that Blizzard has managed to stop botting right now, there was so much of it done since 2019.

I remember one of the largest farms was BRD pickpocketting and I remember that for many, many months you could do a /who and see tons of people there. Blizzard eventually got around to nerfing it so now it’s not a profitable farm, and presumably banned many of the bot accounts that were doing it. However, we know that while Blizzard bans the bots they do not remove the gold they generated from the game, so a lot of that gold cycled into the economy and is likely still there. This is just one source of gold generation that flooded the game, there were others as well.

This is where I can see the value in a gold reset. Again, assuming that Blizzard has stepped up their bot detection and elimination methods (which I don’t think is true), a reset provides an opportunity to get rid of all the gold that’s in the game before those methods were put into place. While it might suck for players who didn’t buy gold directly but acquired it (likely through GDKP), it’s still overall good for the game because the economy gets normalized and gold is meaningful again.

This would be a one time thing thing though to bring the game back in line with a normal inflation progression, one not boosted by bot gold injection. It would also only make sense if Blizzard could ensure it wouldn’t happen again, which I don’t really have confidence they can do.

So I do think a reset would benefit the players, even if many wouldn’t see the value, only be upset that their gold is being taken away, but I can’t advocate for one because it would ultimately be a loss for no real gain.

It wont help the bots when the server is almost 6 years progressed. People wont be keen on buying gold that has risen 400% in price thanks to a gold reset. It’ll take time for the bots to farm that much gold again.

As for the items they may have farmed it still applies, no one would buy overpriced mats and consumes at this stage.

NOW, fresh servers? That would help bots and their markets. It is brand spanking new and no one has gear or farming sets or tons of 60’s. Think about that for a few minutes.

Botters love and promote “FRESH” because it makes them mad cash.

Yes, please take my account total of $3500 gold across six 60’s and delete it because someone thinks that’s a good idea without asking me.

If anyone is feeling burdened by their gold totals Ill take it off your hands no questions asked.

So you’re directly valuing gold to real money? In a game… That just promotes the idea that gold is directly translated to real cash in classic WoW. That crap belong on retail with the token.

Classic gold is just as good as dirt and it should stay that way. Bought gold be damned. Reset it all.

So long as people have their 60’s and gear it’ll be fine. If I woke up tomorrow with 0 gold and saw everyone else was the same, I’d be happy and start farming ore and mobs for money like everyone should and price things reasonably.

Im not sure how you came to that conclusion based on what I said but no, Im not equating game gold to RL currency. If anything it is, don’t touch my game gold because there isn’t really a good reason to take it.