I dont even think you know what you’re talking about.
No one said it was?
I clearly stated Rip was used for ST
Weird, I thought it was to cause damage.
Rip is our higest DPE attack.
No need. We have logs.
Take this fight for example.
Its average damage per cast was 52k
vs FB average of 40k.
The more you speak the more its painfully obvious that you dont know anything about feral.
Just stop.
Youre embarrassing yourself.
Youre talking to a legend!
Ok, for one… its Thrash, not Wrath.
Hard to argue semantics when you cant even get the spell name correct.
Second, Thrash can easily have its damage plateau pushed beyond shred or swipe and not render those spells obsolete by adding a cooldown. See: Guardian.
That simple change can also Buff berserk/incarn for feral AoE by having it remove said cooldown. See: Guardian
These arent new ideas. Its already implemented in game for bears.
It won’t work.
This is a crude example, but simple enough to prove a point.
In order for the feral here to make up for the 4.66m damage difference, His thrash and PW would have only needed to be buffed by 5k each. (4.66m divided by 941 hits of pw/thrash)
His average swipe = 5.9k
Average thrash = 1.9k
Suggested change = 6.6k
Average FB = 42k
Average PW-DD = 8.9k
Suggested change = 13.9k
- Thrash’s Direct damage is now comparable to Swipe, making it worth using again, and due to the proposed 12 sec CD, it doesn’t replace swipe.
- PW’s direct damage is still nowhere near FB’s damage, meaning its still numerically superior to use Rip/FB on ST.