What Do You Want Added To The Game?

A LFD system that always awards current currency or power. Open it to a full set of dungeons, not specifically any expac, and let you at least do a daily dungeon to gather currency. You know, how it was when wow was very popular with badges and such from the dungeons.

Yeah, I am mostly against the grind.

If borrowed power were merely just abilities that we could easily swap between with no penalty and it didn’t require a time investment, then I wouldn’t have that big of an issue with it.

Now just hang on a minute here.

I thought having faction/race/class distinctions added complexity, variety, and flavor to the game!

Now you want Blood Elves with Blue Eyes/Void Elves with no void skin tones as it’s own race?

It does.

If Void Elves didn’t exist on the Alliance, I would not be lobbying for High Elves. But, in this particular case, given the history, I am willing to go with the ‘in for a penny, in for pound’ adage.

But if I was given the option of adding High Elves or removing all the copy cat races, you better believe, I would choose removing all the copy cat races (and then start lobbying for the Blood Elves to change their name back to High Elf and rejoin the Alliance :grin: yes, I am kidding)

(Note: I do not include Vulpera in the copy cat races as they are a unique race and would see them continue as a playable race.)

I would like a hug for the Champion, and someone who actually cares about them.

Regardless on more of a serious note.

More LONG HAIRSTYLES. ONLY LONG HAIRSTYLES. I JUST WANT THE LONG. Give me that hip-long, waist-long, super extra long hair. Thank you. For all races. All of them. Including allied races. And also for the males as well. Everyone get’s long hair.

Gib me my fantasy long hair satisfaction damnit!

i think the last 10 rats will jump ship if this ever comes to fruition. a singular main city hub is just fine. this game has way to much to offer and stuff to do for us to be running around getting more achievements and becoming overwhelmed by something as dumb as player housing. NO THANKS.

the funny part is that the vast majority of players that want player housing are players that dont do crap. they will get it and go “YAY LOOK AT ME MOM MY OWN HOUSE IN WOW” “LOOK MOM THIS IS MY BEDROOM” and log out.

and then the rest of us that do everything the game offers struggle by dropping what we are doing to get this nonsensical player housing achievements out of the way.

yea screw that.

Infusion of light reducing holy light cast time
Divine favor baseline
Judgment generating holy power

Ducks , waffles and new dances

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Tinker Class.
We’re missing a technology focused class, and goblins and gnomes are still lacking a class distinct to their race.

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More fishing content.

You do know player housing is and would be completely optional if done right correct?


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Honestly I’m kinda on the fence about player housing. It’s got ups and downs

But a Tinker Class would just fill in the blanks for the existing class roster.

if there is a single achievement, mount, toy, pet, cosmetic etc… tied to it then i am affraid you are 1000% wrong. it will be forced gameplay. when you play wow full time and are a completionist then nothing is optional.

i think players like myself would have no problem with player housing if there is not 1 of the above aforementioned tied to it in anyway. if there is then as a collector then sorry its not optional.

Any cosmetic item is purely optional as is being a completionist. No one is forcing you to being a completionist if you don’t want to be.

If they tied player housing to progression similar to how Garrisons were in WoD then you would have a legitimate complaint.

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well where is your garrison? that is the player housing that blizzard gave the players that where asking for player housing? why must we all go through this again. garrisons failed. and players like myself are still trying to get the last few pet battles of the required 2000 completed as well as that last 1 or 2 invasion mounts.

when you go and get all that done then i think we as a wow community can talk about player housing. until then. later! you got stuff to collect and objectives to finish. eat whats on your plate before asking for seconds.

And as I addressed in my OP, Garrisons failed to deliver the experience that player housing entails.

That is why I am lobbying for it to be done properly.


The ability to learn tmog even if that character can’t use it!

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well as an extremely hardcore wow fanatic / completionist i would like to recommend a game for you. my daughter plays it and loves it. it will definitely give you some player housing feels. its called bloxburg on roblox. make your house. some bathrooms beds. you name it. all yours.

I appreciate the suggestion but no thank you.

A proper housing system could and should be implemented into this game.

ib4 “Fun™”

I would like a large ferocious duck for my hunters.