What do you think it would take for us to actually have TBC or WOTLK permanent realms like we have with Era?

So I rarely post on here, I generally just chat with wow friends or in streams/discord but, like the title says, I want to know what do you al think it would take for us to actually have TBC or WOTLK permanent realms like we have with Era? We can assume money and lack of staff is why they couldn’t leave it open. But I guarantee devoted wow players would legitimately volunteer and helped out100% for free to have had TBC and WOTLK classic stayed alive.

This has been talked about a lot obviously but, it seems like it’s really blowing up again, and the stuff people are admitting to being fully willing to adhere to for this to happen is, well, it’s funny but kind of surprising. On top of the staff issue and us being willing to volunteer, I think most people would be fine having item shop mounts as a thing, if it means we get TBC/WOTLK perma-servers.

We had those anyways basically since TBC Classic. If it helps them hire staff than I’m all for it. I’m even all for having a very limited wow token usage, like, limit 1 every 3 months per player or something. I’m just assuming money is the issue and at this point, I’ll compromise. Won’t you, if you truly loved the TBC and WOTLK eras?

It feels like they rushed out of WOTLK too honestly. Onto the next one, and it will continue onto MoP. All our hard work just disappears when the next expansion comes and greens replace our BIS raid loot in every expansion EXCEPT VANILLA, which is why I think so many go back to Vanilla.

Obviously this SoD thing has been a letdown, so them someday pushing that to SoD TBC really isn’t that exciting sounding right now :confused: . But I think it could be amazing if they manage the classes, the runes, and the phase content and release times better. But, TBC Classic especially was the peak of classic wow for me.

I got engaged at the start of phase 3, and I quit. Sadly she’s no longer with me, she passed away, so I went back to WoW as a defense mechanism I guess, cause why not, I have nothing else to do, went back to classic finally onto Cataclysm and honeslty am just sad. I’d pay hundreds of dollars to have TBC again, or even to get to do all the WOTLK stuff I missed out on cause I was focused on my future wife and family. We joke about it but I know people who feel the same, who’d pay a lot just to have TBC perma servers. Just sell us a TBC token Blizzard, $99.99 each and once enough sell, or after a few months, open the server! hahaha :slight_smile: . I get most can’t relate to that but, for now, I just have to be sad about it and wonder what could be in the future. Thanks for reading folks!


Hey! I didn’t actually read it. I did read the title and wanted to respond to that, though.

I think that one major difference between Classic Era content and expansions is arena seasons, and they may need to figure something out there. Personally, I’d probably be interested in playing through fresh progression servers at some point, mostly to try a new class and/or participate in fresh arena seasons, but I’m also happy doing that in Cata Classic for now (though, I’d really like to have arena skirmishes available - I might look for a private server for that, which would also solve my problem of having friends who faction swapped).

Anyway, there is also the question of what will happen to the current Classic progression server characters… and would long-lived “era” servers just be like Classic era and have your characters stuck, or a temporary clone window? (Personally, I dislike both of those options).


What it would take? Just Blizz push that button and listen to all those players who would not unsub - or maybe even resub if we had two forever TBC and Wrath Era servers per region.

If I could ask for anything more - The Soul of Iron buff available, pretty please.


That’s a good reason why not. Too many regions and server types to cater to or face big mad.

But they’re there already. Blizz could use some of the Era servers and just give eternal transfer off at first log on for those that are already there.
It’s not as if those servers would need tons of development and the minimal “help” we have would only be a bit more work because they would have a bit more subscribers.


There aren’t any era servers for any expansions…

I guess it depends on what “those servers” actually are.


If you decide to misunderstand whateverI say, it is on you.


Idk that that’s a decision. What do you mean by “servers?” Are they virtual, software-based, does it matter? Are the actual resources required to keep the lights on now “not much different” from what would be required to maintain a completely different release version? (I would lean towards no, personally).

I mean, whatever you say may seem very reasonable and straightforward to you, but I do not so easily see your perspective, which is why I was alluding to wanting clarification…


Chances are they are probably in the works of releasing a TBC and LK Era server for the regions but they are taking there standard lollygagging pace for this project as well - Blizzard has a knack for showing up to parties late and bringing the wrong dish.

We really can’t blame them too TOO much , they are a large company that has grown a lot in the last 10 years and they have just gone through MANY MAJOR C-Level leadership changes (this KILLS smaller companies by the way) as WELL as a complete cooperate buy-out (WITH MICROSOFT LMAO).

History tends to be cyclical - I’d like everyone reading this who is interested to do a little bit of research on a bygone company that used to be called “Rare” - they developed really great video games in the 1990’s and let’s just say they have a pattern shared with Blizzard…


For the “classic” majority to stop chasing down retail with expansions like Cataclysm complete with microtransactions.

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This might be the best answer. We all know how legendary Rare was. Goldeneye. Perfect Dark. Donkey Kong. Banjo Kazooie. etc. etc. And all it took was 1 Microsoft purchase to kill it all. But you’d assume that there’s no way Microsoft could ‘kill’ Blizzard, or WoW. It’s a different time in gaming, and we’re talking about a subscription based long term server based game, not single release games that are sold 1 by 1 and are individual entities like games all used to be, before DLC and skins/aesthetics and expansions and paid patches became a thing. Games were finite back then, now they’re infinite, they can keep 1 game going forever almost.

But again, as you said sadly Blizzard is always behind the curve. Official Hardcore is the greatest example. By the time it came out, a very large portion of players were burned out from the addon HC already. They missed the opportunity there, and they still refused to fix certain glitches that can insta kill someone like falling through the floor, falling through bridges, certain PVP flagging things, all things that a ‘non official’ server would probably fix and patch out, yet somehow Blizz can’t.


The answer is very simple, money. Everyone saying they want era servers needs to unsub and list “no era server” as the reason. Blizz will only tke action if subs drop enough.