What do you think could help the Alliance retain end-game participants?

Racials dont have much to do with it. Back in the day(vanilla) Alliance reigned supreme(mainly due to paladins) but look at classic now, almost all horde.

Even with how badly written the horde have been the past 7 or 8 years it still has been better then alliance. racials are not enough for people to care.


There are far more Horde guilds than Alliance ones participating in end game content so the only way to bring faction balance back to end game participants is to get entire guilds to switch over to Alliance and the only way I see that happening is with more incentives that do nothing but raise complaints from which ever side isn’t getting them. Cross-faction raiding however can make it so that faction balance doesn’t matter, either that or they use the same system for opposite faction players that they used for the Battle of Dazar’alor where your toon automatically switched to an opposite faction race.

The point is that it would need to be a holistic approach, no one of those things would turn the tide on their own.

Ogrimmar didn’t get sacked. It got turned into a raid.

Want to know the difference? You only get turned into a raid if the devs think you’re awesome enough to get turned into a raid in the first place.

It would have been just as easy to make it “the seige of stormwind” with Garrosh getting defeated trying to kill Anduin in his own throne room by the heroic forces of the combined loyalist horde and the alliance defending their home.

The first boss encounter could have been the entryway statues along the stormwind bridge that stand as a testament to the alliance legends of old, animated by corrupted shamans loyal to Garrosh and the Sha of hatred. Each titanic statue using abilities representative of its likeness, allowing us to bask in the awesomness of heroes dating all the way back to Warcraft: Orcs and Humans and Warcraft 2: Beyond the Dark Portal.

Did they do that? No. Instead we went into Ogrimmar to be shown how awesome of a city it is.

So yeah. It’s totally Horde favoritism. Just like the SoD’A in BFA was more horde fanboi-ing by the devs. In Boralis there are exactly two sections of the city that matter even a little: The trade district that extends down into the docks, and the castle. The rest of the city might as well not even exist outside of a few daily quests that occasionally pop up. There aren’t even any quest chains through the parts of the city with hostile mobs in them. Just singular quests.

Meanwhile, an entire raid tier takes place in the horde city.

Guess which city the devs took more pride in building.

…and before you counter with your “but we have to take a flight path!” BS QQ, that is hardly a huge problem when the other faction is dealing with the literal death of its end-game participation.

What’s worse? Having to fly to do a few things, or literally being hamstrung when you try to do anything end-game?

Get some freaking perspective.


Orgrimmar was turned into a raid to placate the Alliance playerbase, for the same reason that the Horde had to suffer through Garrosh: So that the Alliance players could have Garrosh as a villain.

It would have been just as easy to make it “the seige of stormwind”
No, because we all know that the Alliance playerbase would have thrown a fit. At the time, every time an Alliance player yelled ‘horde favoritism’, we asked if they would prefer we attack Stormwind.

“No,” was the reply, “that would also be Horde favoritism.”

Blizzard can never win with you guys, because the most important thing is that you always want to play the victim, as if Blizzard is out to “get you”.


No it was not. It was turned into a raid because the devs wanted to seige a capital city for both fun and shock value, and they chose the dev team’s overall favorite city as the target: Ogrimmar.

You do NOT spend months slaving over tools, crunching, putting in overtime because you hate something. And the devs definitely don’t give enough of a crap abou the alliance playerbase to build an entire raid tier just to make us happy. I mean, we didn’t even get intro quests for Uldir because the original plan was to not let us into the raid at all (we were supposed to get our own raid that the horde weren’t supposed to be able to run, but that idea was axed and the alliance raid was cut for time…as usual).

OMG, take off the blinders, dude. Garrosh was the villain. Not just for the alliance. The horde was the main character of MoP. It’s why your leader caused faction introspection and called into question what the horde actually was.

Did the alliance get challenged at its core to a battle of identity?

No. We got to remote control a cat and watch the Horde do things.

You enjoy the benefits of being the dev’s favored faction, but don’t like it when anything possibly negative happens to stain your idea of what the horde is or could be.

You are a part of the problem.


OP I’d excercise caution in making sweeping changes. I’ll use OCE as an example; the opposite has happened here. Maybe Australians and Kiwi’s just like Alliance.

We have both the numbers advantage and the Warmode advantage. If they made a change to buff Alliance it would give even less of a reason to play Horde here. Barthilas is probably what is holding up team red.

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Yeah and they’ll get around to it one day, right?
Like they were going to get top work on an Alliance battlecry nine years ago or whatever.

Exactly! If racials were just allaince’s only source of trouble, I wouldn’t have been a worgen since the cataclysm.

I didn’t choose worgen for racials.
They aren’t even so good. If it were for racials, I’d be dwarf or elf.

And it’s not the people in the alliance who need to be convinced that there is something good here, when even blizzard itself doesn’t seem interested in valuing the qualities of the alliance when pushing things like kultiras or junkgnomes and strange the lack of empathy the two races have created in warcraft.

Kultirans were hardly considered capable of being magicians because they are hillbillies regarding magic.
And Kultirans and junkgnomes cannot be paladins, which are the most emblematic class of the alliance.


Don’t make content that sucks.

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Lightforged Draenei should have been a customization option in SL. Broken would have been so cool.

Watch as they become the next Horde race.

As alliance get half-azzed walrus men or something equally stupid.


Let’s not pretend Horde isn’t also loaded with races pulled directly from the pages of Tolkien. Tauren might be the only exception as Middle Earth has Goblins, Orcs, Trolls, and blonde-haired Elves. It wouldn’t surprise me if there was a BE Hunter named Legalos on every server.


alliance racials would need to be reworked to be more like horde ones.

Defined with what many players speak on this thread, the race of the alliance are already as good as those of the horde or even better.

For some reason, these people prefer to play with a more challenging handcap then.

And I doubt Blizzard doing any reform in any racial alliance.

How would nerfing Alliance racials lead to more people playing end-game on Alliance?

Generic in this case likely refers to the commonplace and unimaginative nature of something. Few things are more generic in fantasy than humans, and in WoW they are as generic as can be.

Much of the Horde are to some degree humanoid, but are fundamentally not human. Most importantly, the Horde theme and aesthetic is not human.


Nor are WoW orcs anything like Tolkien orcs and trolls, apart from the name.

Anybody who thinks otherwise either hasn’t taken a good look at the Horde, or hasn’t read Tolkien. (Or both.)

When WoW first started, lots of experienced/older fantasy gamers came over to the Horde because it was something different. After over 30 years of playing humans/gnomes/dwarves, it was great to have something different for a change.

This sums up the issue so well.

It’s not as if the Alliance is totally bereft of options - but if you want more opportunities to perform higher-tier content, the Horde is simply that much easier. And will continue to become moreso.

The faction split simply adds nothing to the PvE experience, and IMO, detriments it.

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Allow cross faction gameplay.