What do you do when WoW dies?

Option 1: Private server
Option 2: Download a copy of wow and have a local server

Blizzard turning the servers off will only be the death of Blizzard maintained wow, not Wow itself.


Continue my RP with my friends and guild on Discord.

go on back to my favorite place old shattrath city next to the mighty Aā€™dal

Cry cause I just got my spelltome LIKE TWO SECONDS AGO YAHOO :slight_smile:


Now now, dont go overboard hereā€¦

play something else

With no city state right?:joy:

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Play other games, read more books, watch more anime. Same things I pretty much always do.

I donā€™t expect WoW to last forever, itā€™s only a video game. I shall survive!

I donā€™t think Iā€™d start a new MMO though. I really donā€™t see myself playing any other besides WoW. So if WoW goes then whelp, single player it is!

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Go to the funeral?

FF XIV probably.


Huzzah! A man of quality!

I can see one of two things happening:

  1. I get my life on the right track and make something of myself.

  2. I find another video game to be addicted to.

Watch some Netflix and forget about it

Iā€™ve got a PS5, and a Switch, and my PC.

Iā€™ll be fine.

Probably just go back to playing FPS titles, D3 during the first half of seasons, and whatever fun games I can play with my children. I have a Switch, and my minions adore most of the party games

Play better games.

I have no love for retail though. If Classic ever gets the can, probably just play CoH or FFXIV again for my mmo fix.


Play another game.

Play one of the many other games out there or find a private server.

Mourn the death :skull_and_crossbones: in the family and do my best to move on.