What do you do for a living?

Was a beef cattle operation until about 15 years ago, now just a grain operation- corn, wheat & soybeans.


Army Officer. Currently on a joint staff. Sadness. Sadness all around.

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I’m currently on a joint staff. I understand your pain.

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Critical Care Paramedic working on RN.


Not “just” 
 without the crops you (and others) provide, we’d be down to meat, fish, and poultry. We’d be carb-starved, which means energy-starved, developmentally-starved, and eventually waste away to nothingness. We’d be easy prey for any alpha predator that came along. Keep sowing, tending, and reaping. The health of a species depends on you.


I work at a private research organization that is focused on sexuality. As a researcher. I run an area that is focused on certain areas that you typically cant get funding for. I would share what, but its so unpopular that wow mods would probably ban me. Whats even worse is our results so far would change the world if they would not be so hated and ignored.

Rocket Surgeon


I’m an electrician.
I’m not happy until you’re turned on.


I always thought prostitution was the oldest profession.


I was a Jack of all trades and a master of none. Bookkeeping to warehouse and then the body gave out so now I’m retired.


information Transport systems design and IoT systems integration.

That’s a fancy way of saying I work on copper and fiber network cabling systems and IP based intercom, camera, and security systems :joy:


Airframe structures for the largest aerospace company in the world, building composite 787 aircraft.


I work as a concierge in a hotel, it’s a really fun job because you see a lot of people and we get some pretty nice work perks

pretty fun watch people lose their nuts over things that are completely out of our control too.

also really nice meeting some pretty stand out people, always brightens the day when you get a good one

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quality guy doing my best to make sure the batteries you buy don’t leak or explode


Elementary teacher.

Have met quite a few others while playing.

A lot of others I play wow with are mostly retired military doing tech, which seems to mirror this thread.

I also play with a police officer and we’ve become good friends, which has been insightful. There are a lot of bad ones also a lot of great ones like this dude (kind of like any profession I guess, just really good to meet a good one when all you hear on the news are bummer stories
 interestingly similar to teaching) Really gave me new insights into different facets of gun control I wouldn’t have considered without meeting him.


Processor and loader for Fed Ex Ground.

Ex military. Ex defense contractor. Drive a truck these days. Play all over the country anywhere. Lol, in the truck. (Desk + laptop)


i work for a health insurance company in the appeals department

Certified Athletic Trainer at a high school.

Computer fixer. Mainframes, minis, then intel-based. Now, comfortably retired.