I always thought Vulpera worship the Kitsune.
I always just assumed that they were Loa generalists like the Trolls.
Every race on Zandalar worships the Loa to some degree. Which isn’t a surprise since they are everywhere and are physically in the world and not just spirits.
I would guess that Jani and Akunda probably rank high since they have a presence in Voldun. Maybe ones we just never came across. Like a vulture or hyena Loa.
Worship is a stinkin’ oomie concept, right?
The campfire
That little intro is so cute
The way I see it, Vulpera faith seem to be like Orc faith. They have a Shamanistic faith.
But I say that based on only one single fact: Their leader Kiro is apparently a Shaman. And even that is debatable, as the only evidences that suggest that are the fact that he is a “skilled healer” and he has at least one magic Totem.
Generally when the leader of a certain people is a religious figure, that religion is that people’s main religion. Like Thrall (Shamanism), Tyrande (Elune), Velen (Naaru and Light), Anduin (just Light), etc.
It’s flimsy evidence based on flimsy evidence, but it’s literally all we have.
I don’t know what it would be considered for Faith or Worship, but there is an interesting additional bit in the new book out, putting in spoilers for those that don’t mind can open.
Folk & Fairy Tales spoilers
There is a story called 'Lay down my bones', which is all about the 'Wailing Bone' of the Vulpera, that is said every caravan has one.On the bone is written, that it says all Vulpera know:
Wander, roam; bring me home,
down paths at my behest;
Among the stones, lay down my bones,
So I, at last, may rest.
There is an elder that says about it:
"The first vulpera was born from the desert’s magic, our people roam all our lives, but when we die, the desert calls our bodies back to where we began. To help our spirits find the end of their journey beyond the veil, we follow the Wailing Bone.
We go where it guides us, sometimes the journey may take a day, sometimes it may take weeks. The journey is hard and takes great patience, but when the Wailing Bone begins to cry, we know we’ve found our loved one’s final resting place."
The story is much longer and interesting, and gives some details about how Wailing Bones come to be, but that tidbit from it I thought was interesting, and perhaps pertinent to this thread.
They have shaman, so I assume they worship the elements. I was surprised that they could not be druid.
Matbe elements. They seem very elementally aligned and knowing that they live on a desert, its not far to assune that they would probsbly benefit tje most from pleasing the elemetals spirits.
Or they could just adore loa by hmostasis of their neighboors
I am really disappointed in the lack of “story” for the Vulpera.
When I lamented this to my Guild Leader he simply said…" make something up."
I am thinking WTF.
I worship POWER.
Or this.
We are NOT goblins. Blizzard used their skeleton when developing Vulpera; there is no historical or ancestral relationship.
Gold is a close second to POWER…
They worship the Sniffing Loa