What Classic Has That Retail Lost

Ugh, give me a break. Twinking was broke because it was having a negative impact on new players.

This time around, if you want to be a level 19 hero after accidentally dinging 20 trying to get a dungeon drop after the 10th character try, go right ahead.

Video games in general have devolved into a medium designed to extract the maximum amount of money from consumers.

Games used to use difficulty as a means of making us feel like we accomplished something, that through practice and perseverance we were able to do something that our friends could not. It

Difficulty in games now exists for the sole purpose of trying to get us to spend more money out of frustration.

As frustrating as the wretched abomination that WoW has become is, it’s relatively tame compared to the milking machine dreck that the industry has been churning out for more than a decade.

When you start selling accomplishments, accomplishments become pointless.