What class do you hate to see in arena

Resto druids.

ret paladin

i donā€™t even lose to them, knowing that if me or my partner makes 1-2 globals of error at the wrong time the game instantly ends to a class that walks around roleplaying as a 2nd healer for 70% of a game


Donā€™t hate any singular class, I hate certain classes together, e.g. Rogue/Mage or Afflic/Spriest.

But if I had to pick it would honestly be mage, at least the SL iteration. Yes WW and ret and warrior are all annoying, but if you really sit and think about the toolkit of fire mage it will legit make your blood boil. DB 20 sec cd. Triune. Alter. Ring of Frost. Ring of Fire. Nova. Double Shimmer while casting. Caut. Block. Spellsteal. Multiple spell schools. The way their burst is designed. They are supposedly a glass cannon caster but it hasnā€™t been that way in a very long time. Everything about it is so infuriating.

Close second would be rogue, for some of the same reasons. Toxic toolkit that avoided pruning (and they pruned all the skillful things on the class e.g. energy management, combo point management, getting caught in stealth) and essentially making the class training wheels. Plus all the recent cancer from this class, BFA s4 rogue with 9x gush, S1 Sub rogue running all the one shot builds that people kept discovering.

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Resto druids with 2 castersā€¦