What can make the AWC more entertaining?

In my pleb opinion buff RPS/thug (for the move) and jungle cleaves - they’re fun to watch :slight_smile:

a bonus round where teams are forced to play a random expansion for fun. (3v3.) w/e would be a fair amount of prep. no practice. comps aren’t locked in. I would find this entertaining.

yeah never buff rps

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If the series is tied going into the last game, instead of competing in an arena, the teams race through a mythic plus dungeon to decide the winner.

topless nelfs and belfs between each round.

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I actually enjoyed the ele/WW comp

Yeah it’s also a dampener with cocoon but health bars can randomly drop with earth shock goes

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Some changes I can get behind.

Make them play it on a WotLK private server

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What if they implemented picks and bans.

Each team bans one spec, then team A picks one spec. (Let’s say mw). Now team B gets two picks but can not pick mw as it was already picked).

Think like a league draft system the best teams need to be able to play a wide variety of classes not simply be the best at the best class.

Could also add more game theory.

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I think Turbo and Kittycleave meta would make it interesting.

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Literally this. Do the entire thing on a private server for WOTLK. I’d honestly even be okay with MoP/Cata private servers as well. Would love to see how some of these teams performed on Wrath/MoP/Cata metas. Would say BC but honestly with the improvements in player skill I think it’d be sorta miserable with just a ton of cleaves and SL lock teams.

Banning a class ingame sounds awesome. Kind of like how we used to be able to ban certain battlegrounds.

They’d probably run into issues in the qualifiers because each competitor would need to play at least 3 specs at a tournament level. And that’s assuming their third spec didn’t get blocked too.

Yea I am more thinking how to make a better spectator event. This would mean that you really need 4 people and to be able to multi class. Definitely would leave fewer people in the qualifier stages but is that the end of the world?

Like snutz is apparently on c9 but never has to play because mlmw is just the best comp. I’d like the best team (blizzcon winner)to have to be good at more than just one comp.

Well, it would definitely shrink the pool of competitors.

Just thinking about healers. They’d have to play a bunch of healing specs at a tournament level, because their top 2 healing specs might get blocked.

Personally, I think tournaments are better when there’s more participation.

I ship it. Give the ability to ban 2 DPS, and 1 healer. That way we never have to play against these OP comps.

Wouldn’t the healer aspect make an interesting mind game. Let’s say we know a healer only plays monk and shaman well and his third is a Druid that he’s mediocre on you could ban monk pick sham and then play a comp that is strong into druids.

Just kind of spitting ideas as I drink coffee. But I think the real competitive teams all still play. The less competitive ones would need two healer players.

WotLK arenas where people turtled so hard MLG dropped WoW entirely?

I think some players are known for masterful play on certain specs, and viewers might be a bit disappointed to see them forced onto offspecs.

For example, I might be really excited to see Venruki play his mage because I’m a noob mage and I want to pick up some high level mage stuff. Then, I see the other team has somehow forced him to play warrior. I’d be sad.

I don’t think spec bans really make as much sense in WoW. In something like League it makes a ton of sense because of the sheer volume of champions and the number of champions top players can play at a relatively high level.

Honestly thought the 5v5 tournament was an idea to move things in a cool direction.