According to the rules set by Blizzard for automation, which you keep ignoring. Boxing does not “skate the line” - because it does automate any part to the point where it breaks that rule. Players do that, not the program.
I’m well aware of blizzard stance
Which I find idiotic to say in the least
Your new mog is SICK!
Well, they are evil incarnate, and the Great Satan of MMOs.
You do realize that blizzard didn’t just nerf it because of multi-boxers… but for normal groups of random people utilizing the spawn points?
During the early days LFG Quillrat farms were very common.
If Blizzard does not want multiboxers taking resources on that scale, the answer should not be to punish the entire community. If the multiboxer community is comprised of 5% of the community, why punish the 95% who do not use this technology?
Blizzard doesn’t nerf things because of boxers. They nerf things because of botters.
Also, multiboxers are still people. They need to go to sleep. They’ll get bored of farming the same exact thing over time. Botters, on the other hand, can farm 24/7 with no complaints about repetition.
OP says multiboxing not the problem.
The OP is blaming multiboxers for farm areas being nerfed, with no evidence whatsoever that multiboxers are actually the ones at fault.
They nerf things because of botters.
Yeah, this.
Those packs of boomkins? Those are botters, they may or may not be using Multiboxing software, it’s a red herring. The people that are claiming it’s multiboxing are usually the botters themselves. Blizzard is catching on to their activities and they don’t like it. They are actively pushing a campaign to distract and get rid of competition.
They guys sitting non stop at the quillrats and the pigs in Drustvar are/were bots.
but are myseriously silent when 16 High Elf customization or Sethrak AR threads pop up in a single hour.
Because that’s not happening. I haven’t seen a HE customization thread in a while, and the Sethrak AR people are keeping themselves contained to their megathread.
Meanwhile we have a bunch of low post alts spamming a new anti-multiboxing thread every couple of days.
I’d be really curious to see how many of these threads would get made if we moved to battle tags and got rid of hiding behind alts.
I’d still post stating multi-boxing is wrong and shouldn’t be allowed
You seen these forums lately?
Prepatch prepatch prepatch
Seems like blizzard don’t consider it spam so it must be fine
Kind of like Blizz not thinking there is anything wrong with Multiboxing, so it must be fine also
That was the damn point
I’d still post stating multi-boxing is wrong and shouldn’t be allowed
You are entitled to your opinion. It simply does not line up with the facts. The issue is not that you believe that. It’s that these threads keep popping up by just a handful of people with nothing new to add or suggest.
We are tired
At least the people wondering about the pre-patch aren’t trying to get other people banned because they’re playing the game the “wrong” way.
Would you be cool if blizzard just let players pay a x2 high sub cost and in return got X2 drops and 80% more damage in open world and could be stacked?
They’re paying for an advantage
I can’t think of a more wrong way to be playing
That was the damn point
I’m a little slow today so it went over my head lol.