What are your WoW lore conspiracy theories?

In the end the old gods when, we are their champions but sont realize it yet

There is no lore plan at all, just hurried late-night college student fan fictions that gett voted on in office for what the next patch/expac will be about.


Hogger is alive and well. He’s currently working alongside the remnants of the Defias Brotherhood to siege Stormwind once and for all. The Hogger we defeated in the Stockades was a dreadlord.

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Warcraft, Starcraft and Diablo all share the same universe but there all at different point in time.


I dont trust Khadgar. I dont know why. But i dont trust him.

Maybe hes working for the legion? Taking over the legion now that Sargeras is on his honeymoon with illidan? Maybe hes corrupted by an old god?

Idk but we should be wary. I feel like hes going to do something bad soon.

A second one: Yssarj isnt dead. Some how he survived the titans yanking him from the ground and yeeting him into space. The heart garrosh suckled from was one of many he had.

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The Horde emblem was inspired by Orc ancestors that saw K’ure, the Naaru in Oshu’gun.


That the Primus is the true villain, he’s left alive (so far) and likely has somehow corrupted the Crown of Wills. All the clues are there, including an interesting line from the War Prototype in the Prototype Pantheon fight.

My theory is that Azeroth isn’t a titan nor a first one but a creation that wanted independence from a plan she couldn’t control escaped from one realm of possibilities. Came to this sector from a high level depleted and slept to grow again. The titans knew of this and came to make sure she wasn’t in full independence and would make make sure she wouldn’t reach her full potential .

Didn’t that get confirmed with WOD.

The First Ones created the Devourers by mistake and they were killed by them. Think of it like cancer spreading.

Sargeras is actually a giant robot with a gnome inside.


Mine? Acherus wasnt built by the scourge but by beings far greater than even the first ones.

Hear me out

It reflects holy magic and pretty much any magic.

Its one of if not the only flying fortress that can cross realms of existence and possibly time itself.

Its older than the entire universe.

Arthas was given false memories into thinking he masterminded its creation.

It has a secret dormant power so vast and unchallenging that only the truly damned (dks) could comprehend and wield.

I think I’ve seen that story before…

/moo :cow:

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The first ones are either dead through their own hubris, or they reached a point in their evolution where they became little more than animals. Either way, they aren’t all-powerful anymore and we won’t see them.

Now for a non-lore theory, Blizzard knew that the factions would become unbalanced they just didn’t do anything about it because they knew the pendulum would just keep swinging back and forth, so they waited until a point where it was way too extreme, and then could introduce the fix.

That we’ve been in a coma for a good 10 years after “defeating” N’zoth. The Shadowlands was just a dream.

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Shadow lands is really a nightmare being dreamnt by Jaina.

She wakes up suddenly, hears the shower, and finds Varian inside, who assures her that it was all just a Dream.

+10 internet trivia points to anyone who can source my reference. Hint, it’s from an 80’s TV show.


Dallas. Pam and Bobby Ewing


Ding ding ding!

+10 points to Hugglepuff.


Pfft ravenclaw is better. If we go by the American school then horned serpent


The theory that Velen had about Elune being a Naaru would be the funniest thing ever, to see the look on Tyrande’s face if he was right would be PRICELESS.

And Velens smug grin XD