What are you playing in Classic?

To answer though, probably a rogue.

Forsaken Destro Warlock

I loved MOP, there was a ton of great content in it, I also liked WOTLK(duh) & Legion. I really disliked the BC content & WOD. I’m not too fond of BFA either.

I didn’t worry about the changes, I just rolled with it & as a result had a lot of fun. It is just a game after all.

Really? You didn’t like Wrath of the Lich King? Probably the best & most loves exp of all.

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Wrath had some pretty big problems. And one of the things you’ll notice is that both Vanilla and TBC had major and consistent population growth, while Wrath was a period of stagnation and minor growth. So one might wonder why “wrathbaby” is such a common insult when the game wasn’t net gaining many players? Well, it was gaining lots of new players on the hype, but losing lots of established players.

I believe there are elements of class and world design we can look to and see how wrath fell short, and was more similar to cata than vanilla/tbc. It’s a very small part of world design, but I talked about how the world being populated by many peoples can help make a world feel large and feel alive in this thread and video:

I’ve been meaning to write some follow-ups to talk more about the many aspects of world design, and I think we can create a pretty clear picture overall about how there seems to be sort of a Vanilla/TBC era, and then an ‘everything else’ era. I’ve just been lazy because I can’t find many people who seem to want to talk about RPG design with me.

I am playing a HORDE - Tauren - Paladin!!!
Don’t tell me I can not play that; Everyone keeps telling me this.

((I have not decided between a Troll Priest or Tauren Druid. The other one I want to play but not sure yet is a Tauren Shaman. I heard that the quest line for the shaman is something to experience. I am really excited about classic since I started in Cata. ))

Oh, man, if that were even the slightest possibility of an option, I’d be there. I love the Sunwalker lore, and much prefer tauren to dwarves and humans.

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Hey, I should level my pandaren warrior with you! It will be fun!

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I’m leaning towards priest. Healers are valuable, Shadow is fairly strong dps, and Mana Burn lets you ruin the days of other healers in PvP.

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Definitely! Priest are a lot of fun. I would mostly likely go holy. Things die slowly but you get use to it.

The protagonist of the story, the young charming seductive elf warrior. Who saves the day by slaying the princess and saving the dragon. Tanking Dungeons swooning pally and priest, how could anyone resist my manly charms, especially when i hold threat so well.

I am in that exact same situation, my dude. :):grin:

Ironforge was my home city, definitely will be again. I have missed it over the years, can’t wait to see it thriving again. Can’t roll dwarves tho, their waddle just kills it for me.

So I’ll go back to what I know, Nelf Hunter who lives among the dwarves. It was damn good the first time through, it’ll be different but familiar this time through.


Thank you for posting a link, it wouldnt let me. We got a lot of responses already. Very interesting spread of characters so far.

You can do it too. Just use an opening/closing grave (same key has tilde).

Undead warlock

Yes yes I know that ‘warlocks are mushrooms’ in vanilla - I have seen the video explaining wow ‘balance’. But I really like the class.

UD Warlock main with Orc Shaman and Tauren Druid alts

Also LF other UDs to “haunt” the Raven Hill Cemetery

Thank you, I edited original post. Seems not too old to learn haha

Because they are seduced by my womanly charms, especially when I pick up the Warrior’s Embrace from Sunken Temple and dance on the IF bridge. :kissing_heart:

Thinking Night Elf Warrior / Forsaken Warlock