What are you listening to right now?

I tend to not listen to music while playing super often. Half the time I’m in voice and don’t want a 3rd source of noise anyway.

But, music, in general? Here’s a few songs. I always timestamp in these threads because I know no one has time to listen to every 3-6+ minute song in a thread of hundreds of posts of songs:

Korpiklaani - Juuret
I like folk rock/metal in general and Korpiklaani is always one of the more unique bands in that genre. They’re almost always upbeat and I love it. Lots of accordion. The singer is probably more of an acquired taste than anything though.

Dalriada - Huszáros
More in the same category, but distinctly different from Korpiklaani anyway. Lots of strings in a particular style. They’re Hungarian. I was going to link a different song with more of a solo, but it’s not on YouTube. Still a good song though!

Eluveitie - The Slumber
More Folk Metal, definitely leaning more toward the Death Metal side most of the time. If you don’t like typical growling metal vocals, well, I don’t either, but I’ve always made an exception for these guys. Lots of Tin whistle and Hurdy Gurdy.

(This song probably isn’t the most representative of them tbh, but I like this part a lot)

I could keep going but I figure I always fall back on Folk Metal so I’ll just link something somewhat recent from the 3 big ones I follow.

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Sorry but why make another thread when there’s been one in the off-topic since 2018?

I wasn’t aware of that thread, op probably wasn’t either

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I’m at work so I’m hearing the seagulls calls and the tide splashing against the shoreline

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Who goes to the off topic forum?

People who know the appropriate places to post threads?

Now /shoo, mute the thread if you don’t wanna see it :man_shrugging:

Right now listening to the background music of “Stardew valley”, which is being played by my former mythic raider shadow priest boyfriend who stopped playing in 8.3.

Uh, to tell the truth.
I am sort of attending an online Pagan meeting at the moment.

Not listening to anything but the song ‘Fighting the World’ (Manowar) popped into my head.


Ahhhh are you upset because someone made a thread that doesn’t speak to the rage towards Blizz right now or do fun little topics upset you.

Not at all - but I remember the thread I linked earlier was moved to off-topic.

I actually like this version

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