What are you listening to now? V5 (Part 1)

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Music by CĂ©zame Trailers
composed by Gabriel Saban & Anne-Sophie Versnaeyen

Can’t sleep. These are the songs keeping me awake. They are Christian hope that is ok.
Jars of Clay - Flood

Jars of Clay - Love Song for a Savior

Flyleaf - All Around Me

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A 6 hour long album that can explores dementia and attempts to stimulate how memory loss feels through music, it goes through six stages. With first stage lasting until reaching the 41 minute mark. Stage 2 is where things begin to progress worse and worse, it starts out normal and just gets worse with every stage and song.

A new song I finished ! Very 80s, Synthwave-y


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Hopsin Kumbaya
just herd it by chance the other day and thought it was awesome lol

That pre-chorus

Nevermind the “unchained” guitar riff


“Oh well
 Still broken
/sad sigh

“How is it that you can do that still, and so many others can’t?”

I have trust level 3. I think there was some kind of change (stealth change?) that made it so that TL3 is required to post vids from youtube.

Which is odd, because I always thought it was a ‘trusted’ site, and thus did not require TL3.

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“Oh well. So much for me ever posting videos again. Enjoy the thread. I won’t be back.”
/leaves crying her eyes out.


Man, I’m sorry - you have such a killer taste in music, too! :[

A retrospective of the old ability to post:

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Moonchild - Back to Me (Jazz / Coffeehouse)


Copy, paste?


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I’m in the same boat as you, Cyn :cry:

Don’t leave; hopefully the change was a mistake. I keep getting logged out after every edit or post, which is strange. Also, some people can post links to YouTube if they put it in text – I can’t even do that. I’m back to tildes LOL.

Smells buggy to me, but who knows?

If it was an intended change, we just go back to the old way - we shared only links for years and years, longer than we’ve had the ability to embed vids, to be honest. And though embedding was way cooler, it was still pretty cool back then.

And to you TL3 peeps:



If this seems rude or annoying, let me know and I’ll remove it, Break - not my intention and I agree removing the ability to post these seems odd.

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Nope, not annoying at all.

Much respect, thank you for the post :slightly_smiling_face:

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Over in the Customer Service forums, there is a thread about changes to posting YouTube stuff, and a blue has replied there stating they aren’t aware of any intentional changes to the forums. More evidence pointing towards a bug.
