What are you listening to now? V5 (Part 1)


Hilarious! You tempt me to post the “24 Hours of Nyan Cat.”


Edit: Yeah, I avoided that temptation for all of eighteen seconds. This is the ten hour version, but ohhh, that sweet 4k video:

From the video descrip:


well now i got to post this


This is what came up on random first today:

But, I’m soooo back on a garage kick now, was dnb for a while, and I was doing the downtempo/triphop thing, but geez, what a set. Excellent tunes from Saturday morning / afternoon:


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a friend link this to me it’s a song about making cookies…

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Listening to some european punk rock, i like it

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Downshifting a gear this morning, listening to Saturday night’s Metropolis.



Some beautiful vibes from Kidnap:

Jon Tejada on the edit of “Maru” by Plaid:

Cassian’s remix of “Listen to Me” by Bob Moses: (If you only click one of these, make it this one…)

…aaaaand that’s three of the first five tracks he’s played so I’ll stop now LOL. Such an excellent, epic show.

Just found this new track from Makoto. The last post and this one together are like before / after caffeine LOL. Really digging this track:

TBH, Santorin Ultrawide is another killer show, like I keep going on about Metropolis and DJ Brainz… Oliver Lichtwald (DJ Lightwood) spins some of the best drum and bass, fresh from Germany. I discovered that Makoto track when he dropped it in his latest set:


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I treated myself to NIN’s “The Fragile Deviations 1” album as a birthday present.

Its a pretty wild re-examination of one of my favorite albums ever.

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The Last Goodbye by Billy Boyd (Pippin from LotR)

Sad that our Middle-Earth adventures have ended. LotR - Best film franchise of all time

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I love this song and always thought that it captures the drowning feeling of loneliness in sound perfectly. Especially near the end. I’m also a huge weeb so, y’know.

The soft instrumental version of this song is nice to sleep too as well. Just a really great song that has never wore down its welcome in my ears.

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“You never knew Uk Apache rule the jungle…”

Happy 25th, dnb!

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“The Dude abides.”

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“He sure does.”

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I’ve really always loved this song, but that lyric is stuck in my head, and I don’t think I’ve heard it since 1987 without singing…

…well, you know the line. I know it’s “deuce,” but…