What are you listening to now? V5 (Part 1)


“I got to party with these guys. They are a blast to know.”

/happy tentacle dance

Bette Davis Eyes + Waiting for a Star to Fall = In My Arms by Mylo.


I love all three =)

“Everybody Have Fun Tonight” was the “dangerous Pokemon episode” of our day, giving folks seizures worldwide. Remember that?

Still diggin’ the tune after all these years. I’ve also always had an affinity for Dance Hall Days:

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In an atmospheric black metal mood today.

ULTHA - The Avarist (Eyes Of A Tragedy)

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I don’t like this album as much as I liked Coal or Bilateral, but it’s still fantastic.

I didnt knew that band, really good black metal.

Im sensitive today… so

My tastes vary, but right now I’m listening to Skynyrd.

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A few great remixes popped up first today…

And then Almond! His own remixes, and then the tracks he’s done with Samme and Blaklyte are excellent. I like his version of “Real Love” better than the original, myself. No hating on Clean Bandit, tho, he’s an excellent producer in his own right.

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All respect to Isaac Hayes - the man was a legend. Is a legend.

I was a big South Park fan, tho, and I can’t help but have a mental image of some Chef dance sequence in my head whenever I hear one of his tracks nowadays.

Always dug this one, it’s a funk essential:

It’s the 50th anniversary of Woodstock, so I’ve been listening to a lot of music from the concert. Here’s some Santana. If you have Spotify they have a big playlist.

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For those of us who played Zoo Tycoon 2, this will give us a nostalgia attack.

Love Woodstock! I posted Richie Havens doing “Freedom” back up there a ways :arrow_up::arrow_up:

Santana’s performance was great. Joe Cocker was legendary. Also CSN, Jimmy, Jefferson Airplane… so many great acts.

I have to say I always skip Canned Heat when I watch Woodstock, or listen to the soundtrack. Just never could get into them. Oh well!

Thanks for the post :grinning:

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Heard this one in passing. Love the slack-key (-ish) guitar.

Right on! My dad turned me on to a lot of this music and it’s stuck with me through the years. Was just listening to Joe Cocker this afternoon and it is an amazing performance.

I forget what I was listening to but Grace Slick talked about how she was stuck on stage and couldn’t go to the bathroom for hours and hours, and she has a tiny bladder. They were supposed to go on at night and didn’t perform until the following morning. lol

Happy to share!

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