What are you listening to now? V5 (Part 1)

I rarely do three in a row here, but it’s just that kinda day. Lazy, cloudy, relaxed.


Three times, ten times, it don’t matter baby!

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Hmm, I’ll go four. For now. :sunglasses:

Oh my god. Me and my friends quote that movie all the time. ORRRG!


You guys should really check this out. Amazing song.

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I’ve always loved the line, “if you ever need anything please don’t hesitate to ask someone else first.”

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Rammstein’s new album. I’m just practically in a cocoon of german metal.

I can’t really share some of it though because there’s topless women in one video I really like. But have a listen to their new song Radio. It’s catchy as heck.

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Corey Taylor/Slipknot chill stuff, Johnny Cash,Weezer,RHCP

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I’m really diggin’ CRJ’s new album! It’s some nice, catchy synthpop that reminds me a lot of Daft Punk.

I was a Ninja, my Kung Fu was strong. I wasn’t kidding anybody. At best I was Superman on kryponite, about to fall into where it all went down.

This album kept popping up in my recommended feed, and I finally decided to listen to it. It’s awesome. Sounds like industrial metal mixed with synthwave. Wouldn’t feel out of place in a Doom style shooter.

Hypnotic Brass Ensemble - What It Is