What are you listening to now? V5 (Part 1)

“I am done in here. I had an innocent post flagged/removed. I quit.”

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I’m very sorry to see you go. I can only suggest for you to at least keep tabs on this thread; things have a way of working out, who knows?

“Oh I’ll still be lurking. I just refuse to be a scapegoat.”

“I did nothing wrong, but got flagged anyway. I will NOT be a Target any more, for stupid idiots.”

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Remember when CDs had hidden tracks? This was the one off Throwing Copper, probably my favorite track off the album, though “I Alone” was awesome too.

Live used to practice in the industrial/commercial unit next to the game store I worked at in North Hollywood. When they really got going, we’d pile into the back of the stockroom and listen to them through the concrete wall.

Such nostalgia, I miss those days.


I still hang with Psyco Mike from time to time, good vato.

Sad subject about bouncers made into a happy song

the VRC6 chip is nice

As NELA pointed out this forum has rules and guidelines.
I hope you feel better and return soon :slight_smile:

Here’s a happy song:

It’s Breakbeat, thanks.

De nada ese

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I recall minding my own, then you being rude to me. And now im a punk? jajaja
Sad to see you go ese, even if you dont like Mexicans.
Regarding Toonerville, they ranked out to Rascals and Avenues after my carnale Eskimo got locked up. Suprised they still toss up placas.

Ill ignore you, if you me, friend.

Heres a neat jam, never liked slipknot, but the banjo angle is neato.

I started recording videos so I just recently discovered this.

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Don’t be mad at how i talk ese, think you have an anger problem vato, calm down.
Not everyone talks the same, stop being racist.
No need to derail this thread anymore ese, show a little respect and courtesy :slight_smile:

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Try to keep this civil ese.
Back on track with the music!

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Orale, Beat.
No disrespect meant :slight_smile: