What are you listening to now? V5 (Part 1)

Been listening to this one for ages, Adam Freeland is a “hero” of mine, all of his mixes are excellent.

And this is where I get very jelly of mainstream radio in the UK. You turn on FM radio here, and you get the same repetitive stuff. I betcha I could find Offspring, Nirvana, and Eminem right now!

College radio comes close… but that’s for another thread :wink:

You turn on mainstream radio there, and you get:

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I haven’t heard that version of Do You at 1:02:27 before. Very nice.

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this was one of my fathers favorite songs

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DADDAAA the Lollipop … Iceeeecream Show me that lloooollliiiipop … Its a song nothing wrong with that

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Bet you never had a love like this before.

i’ve been replaying okami on the switch and the music is kind of stuck in my brain
especially this song