What are you listening to now? V5 (Part 1)

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always wanted a live version of this song :slight_smile:


I finally dove into the band Ghost.

I’ve listened to Dance Macabre over 60 times so far.

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Personal 5/5s

Stephen - Crossfire


Personal 5/5s.

After all these years, I’ve settled into the opinion that Skrill got a bad rap. Yeah, I know, he was the literal poster-boy for “EDM” for a while, and I still resent the American commercialization and confusion over “dubstep” that was almost exclusively a result of his 2012 Grammy. That being said, he really did make some amazing music, and still does.

Problem is, “they” handed him his first Grammy for what was, essentially, one of his weaker tracks. Yes, it sounded incredibly different from other pop music at the time, but even more importantly, it could be shoehorned into the “dubstep” category, and “they” sure did love that word for a few years. Never mind that Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites was drastically different from dubstep that had already been around for ten years.

IMO, most of his subsequent Grammys (he’s won like eight) were well deserved.

Anyway, dig these tracks. Excellent videos as well. The first one is much more chill than the second, but I think both are glorious examples of intricate production and all-around magic from every artist involved.

love me some DnB

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I think the production value is good, but the songs lack soul

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I respectfully disagree, I find them to be quite groovy tunes, deep, smooth and emotional on Stranger - hard hitting, sharp beats and solid rhythm on Red Lips. Both created from the ground up, rather than sampling soul from the past like many electronic, dance and hip-hop songs do. I’ve also rarely heard such heartfelt sentiment as I do in “Stranger”, and when it comes from the “EDM poster boy” as I mentioned earlier, it gives it extra weight in my book. Time taken off from being a “Superstar DJ” to actually be human.

Or, one might say, Sonny instead of Skrillex.

But no matter, subjective is subjective. :man_shrugging:

On to the next tune…

Personal 5/5s:

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Sounds good man.

But I wanna stand at the top of the mountain, yellin out to the Gods


TBH I appreciate the fact that in this thread, we don’t devolve and Godwin the thing because of a difference in taste :smiley:

Try that in GD!

My friend, these past few years have always been a pleasure. Love you bro


I feel all warm and squishy inside, like a melty Gummi Bear.

I kid, I kid. The feeling is mutual and we have a lot of tastes in common.


: D

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Going tunnel


BRO! On the Flags, not the road!

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