What are you listening to now? V5 (Part 1)

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SPC ECO - Sept Soundtrack

“I’M BACK!!!”

/wicked happy dance


Really digging this sound:


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Sarah Jarosz - Hometown

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This might get me a ban, but it would be totally worth it. I discovered these guys about 40 years ago when an older engineering friend of mine gave me the first three comic books of The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers and I fell in love with them.

Starting the first quarter of next year, the Freak Brothers are coming to TV with John Goodman and Woody Harrelson (both are huge fans of these guys) along with a few others are doing the voices.

The premise of the show is back in 1969 they smoked some weed that put them in a coma for 50 years. They wake up in 2020 where everything has changed including weed being legal in certain places. I like that idea rather then have a show about 1969 which most people today can’t really relate to.

Anyway, for you stoners out there, this might just be a show that you could get into. Also trust me when I say these videos are already watered down from the comics, but if you all feel the need to flag me or ban me, I’m ok with that.

In any event, enjoy and if you like it, check out the actual comics. Amazon has some collected works etc. so you can read the original if interested.


“I fell in love with them too, as well as the Game they published.”

“That video is GREAT!!! If it does get removed, I am glad I got to see it first.”

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Glad to find a fellow Freak Brothers fan!

There are two more preview videos, one with Trump and another with them at a dispensary. When the video I posted finishes, they are inside the final frame. You can just click them to play.

The Trump one is classic! :rofl:

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“I can’t wait for the movie.”

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It’s going to be a TV series. I’m not sure what channel they are going to be on, but I would guess it would be Comedy Central late night or something like that.

Here are the other two

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“Bless you for this. You have made my YEAR.”
/happy dance

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My pleasure. Finding someone who like them, makes a possible ban totally worth it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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“If the old school ones, that I have posted, didn’t draw any thing bad, I really doubt yours will. Most people in this thread are just here to have fun. I wouldn’t worry too much.”

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“One of my old school favorites


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Good song!

Here’s another one

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“And now for a real OLD School Classic


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Nice one! I never heard that one before.

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