I hope you are as hyped for expansion 2 as me after today’s opening ceremony!
Hyped yes.
Slightly off-put that both factions get earthen instead of earthen (dwarves) going to alliance and horde getting something else but here nor there as i wouldnt play a dwarf anyway.
As a steadfast Paladin main I think lightsmith should be more a long champion of the light? Lightsmith sounds like a blacksmithing talent. The middle one about the sun feels a little too horde with Tauren paladins using the sun as their source of light or blood elves having the sunwell. Maybe make that a little more neutral. Still very much looking forward to it. Harkens to Dark Age of Camelot with champion levels and im here for it.
Delves - as someone that hasnt been able to find a good guild to call home since cataclysm, where that pug-life is where I live, this could be a real boost to at least get accepted into some heroic content. I was really boohooing about not being able to get AOTC for Aberrus.
Stoked about dynamic flight.
Stoked about pathfinder not being some crazy chain of events (getting my old paladin and warlock mounts are permanent memories).
The next 3 expansions look nuts but have a feeling we wont be seeing iridikron again until 2027-ish. We’ll see hwo that goes. With announcing 3 expansions at once i have a feeling we may be getting them a lottle quicker than we’ve been used to.
Shared rep? Thank you very much for that.
Shared bank with crafting. Man you guys are hitting all the nails.
Look forward to seeing YOU in Azeroth!
That Dragonriding would be a one expansion fad that would die entirely. It was fun for about the first 20 minutes after you got it then just about every single thing about it is more annoying than just normal flight.
Also it sucks for druids, give me back my normal great flight form.