What are you favorite moments so far?

horde will help you kill you stuff even if you aren’t struggling, if you are there’ll legit be a tauren striding across half of the barrens to help you.

The number of alliance who just ignore you when you aggro 2 respawns while you’re fighting is astounding.


I lost my Hunter by helping someone out. Took the aggro on my pet. They dipped. Pet died then my Hunter while trying to flee.

I don’t feel as kind on my Warrior and may only help if I think I can handle it. Especially since Warriors take aggro so fast.

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tbh if people are struggling pre 20 and its not a hyperspawn its better to let them die, they probably aren’t even aware you’re trying to help when they run. I’d expect a player who makes it to the 3rd zone to be aware enough of game mechanics to atleast stick around when you help them, maybe not.

I had to restart today but when I get to stv I’m going to try and force the troll respawns so they trap people.

Wiser players know to stay on the edge. even in wrath code level those trolls come out of nowhere to make life interesting.

In this way HC kind of plays like wrath grobb. In that stv you tread and pull carefully. Just takes a rogue lol edit cheap shotting to make for very bad day there.

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Just yesterday a random hunter out in the world completely saved my behind in Teldrassil as I was running away from a mob with like 2% HP left. He just did a simple auto-attack on the mob and pulled aggro. Lived to see another day thanks to that simple act.

This game mode certainly shows you what kind of player others and even yourself really are when it comes to seeing other players come close to death out in the world.


Entering Ironforge for the first time on my HC dwarf priest.

The feels


Do you know if the Hunter lived?

Of course. I even helped kill the mob even tho I risked pulling aggro back on myself.


Must be nice. I don’t get buffs very often. I assume it’s because we have a lot of horde players on alliance and in my experience horde don’t buff either.

I’ve been doing this a lot it may have been me😂 I also did the wetlands run at level 12 and managed to save 23 warrior that was dying to a croc


My Favorite moments are whenever Deathlog addon announce that someone died.
because then I feel grateful that i’m still alive.

Seeing the excitement and anxiety of my friend playing hardcore and doing quests he didn’t even know existed. One example, the quest in Arathi where you have to jump the gap on the bridge to the tower for the moonshine. I was a mage, so slowfalled, he used a speedpot to jump. It was just so much fun watching his reaction to the whole exploration feel.

Brought me back to my first times playing the game with a friend that showed me the ropes. Community on this mode is amazing.

Best of luck all you hardcore fanatics, stay alive and have fun!


Can’t throw out any buffs, but have saved a few strangers with a timely heal.

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Getting to know the Horde side of this game better. I always played mainly Ally. And I thunk to challenge myself by doing questlines I did not know by heart. I love reading the quest texts to find out what to do and where to go, and I love that other players give a helping hand to a lost Tauren now and then. Thanks to every kind stranger who pointed me in the rigth direction. Thanks to those who saved my tail, and YW to those I saved :slight_smile:


Getting random thank you whispers when I buff someone running by.

Looking forward to getting wisdom so I have something useful to throw at casters lol

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The southern most beached sea creature quest in darkshore.

It’s a little island surrounded by water with murlocs on it. Ranged murlocs.

Pulled too many and barely escaped because swimming is so slow.

Ranged mobs + swimming = scary.


I spend time giving away gifts, wrapped and all, to random people, with messages of “good luck in your travels”; magic items I found, bags, and my crafting stuff that I produce while leveling.

It’s amazing how many get on with the game and respond with an epic phrase of gratitude. I don’t know if they’re still alive or how long these servers will keep going, but the RPG element of WoW is back and stronger than ever.


I posted this in another thread, but it still was a great moment. On my mage I was saved from a random paladins LoH when he saw my at about 3% hp. I DEFINITELY would have died had that not happened. The pally healed me up and helped me finish off the murlocs. I hope that guy is still going strong, he is forever my guardian angel!


It’s the small moments. You fish together and have a conversation about the excitement. Wish each other well. See them level up. Then there is an alert that one of you died. And you think to yourself “Oh nooo”


This. While I try to help if I can you have to assess if it is worth it in that you will not die trying to help someone, if they aggro more than 2-3 mobs, that’s a HARD NO… You are on your own. If an elite is involved, definitely a hard no.

I find I have to balance helping and self preservation.

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