What are you doing for thanksgiving?

Uh they are not slaves ya know they willingly participate in that practice no matter how much the might complain

deep fried turkey - this is becoming popular. I have to try it.

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Already had it weeks ago but wouldn’t mind another. :heart_eyes:

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Last year I had to work and this year I bet I work on Christmas as already stated hospitals never close and I also work at one I rather work then sit at home any day.

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Big hug for you Drew, I sure wish I was there to cook you thanksgiving supper.


The family is going to a long time family friend’s place for a get together of about two dozen folks. They do this every three or four years, and it’s a nice break from the normal routine and a good chance to visit and catch up with everyone at one time.

The hosts provide the basics - turkey, stuffing, and gravy, and every family contributes something, from appetizers to sides to pies/cakes. They usually do two birds, one big one on the grill, and a second smaller one in a smoker. The latter is awesome, never had a smoked turkey before they did that, and it’s fantastic - moist with a nice smoky flavor, really good.

Our family’s contribution this year is the appetizers. And I’ve gotten requests for four flavors: original, cajun, garlic parmesan, and jalepeno cheddar. So I’ve been off in the Eastern Kingdoms farming up gnome toes all day yesterday and some more this morning, and I’m in the process right now of preparing those four big fresh hot buckets of hot buttered gnome toes.

So tasty, so crunchy, so so delicious!

/moo :cow:

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Was last month for me. Had a campfire and roasted marshmallows.

Just finished a large turkey pot pie and diet coke while gathering in game.

i am stuffed!

I’m at work right now helping to prepare for black Friday. BUT, they did manage to give the employees working today a Thanksgiving dinner, so I got my fill before heading back to work.

At this point… nothing… :frowning:

/sad orc

Race changing to Pandaren irl

My wife and I already had the turkey, potatoes, stuffing, and gravy at noon.

It was just us, beer time now, and possibly a second helping of said items in an hour or two.

Happy Thanksgiving! And cheers! :beers:

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Now a lot of stores opened at 4 PM Thanksgiving Day; I’m not going out until Friday, Not going to support a business that is that money hungry; Thanksgiving imo should be a day off like Christmas is for retailers.

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We do not have thanksgiving over here, at all. Which is weird because they’ve tried to turn halloween into a “thing” for many years and it always fails. It’ll never be anywhere near as popular as it is in the US. It’s very odd.

I feel for you; I pray that a kidney finds it’s way to you soon………

I am finally done. It’s 8:30pm in Hawaii and I can finally sit down. Dinner was delish of course (I’m the best cook) and what wasn’t decimated is put away and dishwasher is working on the gravy stains.

But I must put up my feets now and play WoW. So exhausted - better not do anything in-game that requires kneejerk reactions and thinking.

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