What are you doing for thanksgiving?

Thank you very much for your work. We can’t live without all the emergency services being on the job 24/7. Hopefully nothing happens but we appreciate you being there just in case. My grandma had a stroke on New Years Day two years ago, was in a coma, went to hospice, nursing home, then she recovered (!!) and still up and around today. Would’ve lost her without hospital workers and emergency services. /salute


Amen to that. Can’t count how many times my mother has been saved by the hospital here where I live over the past 8 years. I commend you for giving your holidays to help others; GOD bless you and yours! I hope that you find time for yourself and family during the Holiday season.


I don’t celebrate thanksgiving. I’m not european or anything I just don’t like it. I save all my energy for Christmas.

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Nothing special, since in Singapore, thanksgiving isn’t really a thing. That being said, I will overindulge in some good food.


My husband and I eat with my parents and my grandparents. My brother comes up sometimes with his family, but not this year. So it’ll just be us and my parents. His family lives really far away so we don’t see them very often. We’re black friday shoppers, so we’ll be going out Friday probably to buy some stuff.

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Staying home all day. I think it’s a disgrace people are forced to work on a holiday such as this so I stay away from stores.

Been playing Horizon Dawn on my PS4 pro, fun game. Going to try spider man tomorrow since it was on sale. That’s about it.

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12 hours from now I will be on a plane. Should arrive at Mom’s in time for 2nd table, with hugs all around and good home cooking.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Deep fried turkey, smoked spareribs, baked beans, pumpkin pie, blackberry cobbler…etc. Then do some deer hunting.


I be home all alone, because of my dialysis it tough to travel when u have to do home dialysis. When I mean tough I mean by bringing the machine with u and having supplies for the treatment sent to where u going, and depends how long u going to be there too. I was going to go to my Brothers but found out he didn’t have a bed or a dresser for my machine. Plus he didn’t want me there for two weeks even if it was the only way to get out to him through a cheap airfare ticket, because if I flew out before thanksgiving and left after thanksgiving the money for the airfare went way up unless I put it around a two week thing. He said he try to have me out for Christmas so we see.


Cooking for 5, and a freezer full of turkey chili afterwards.
Stuffing veggies
Cranberry/orange relish for sauce & double crust pie.

21 lb turkey needs to be stuffed and in the oven by 1:00pm PST.

Trying a new cranberry-Brie-croissant bites appetizer, but I have to use my neighbor’s oven (who will be joining), because there’s only room for the turkey. :open_mouth:

Yes. I love fresh cranberries.


Just a chill day with my husband. We moved away to another state about two years ago so my hubby will be cooking a turkey and some other goodies for the two of us. I am very thankful that I have him and I do miss my family and friends back home.

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STARZ Cinema is marathoning Counterpart beginning 10:30am EST.

Highly recommend if you haven’t seen it.

J.K. Simmons is amazing. Sort of SciFi.


Then eating
A lot

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Went to visit my mom and step dad today (Wednesday) and had an early Thanksgiving there.

Tomorrow I’m making some homemade cranberry sauce with apples, oranges and lemons. I already made some chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. … Also gonna have a turkey ham (never tried that before), sweet potatoes and marshmallows, turkey burgers, fresh green beans, cornbread dressing etc.

Then we’re gonna decorate the Christmas tree. Oh and then the Saints game is tomorrow night too.

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Why, what happen?

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I’ll be running around in circles making airplane noises till dinner when I will make a smooth landing at Turkey Terminal for fueling before taking off for Coma City.

:poultry_leg: Happy Thanksgiving All! :poultry_leg:


Working night shift.

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Eat until I’m miserable, sleep, eat until miserable, sleep. Same as every day.

Eating lunch with my family at noon, murdering people on red dead redemption 2, going out to buy a new xbox one, killing more people in red dead redemption 2, cry myself to sleep because I’m so lonely(I’m kidding one that one I’m to full of hatred to be lonely)