What are you doing for thanksgiving?

Years ago we would get a whole pig and cook it outside all night into the next day; Good Times, Good Memories………

Nice. We used to do that with lamb. Slow cooking is one of my favs

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Cooking. Cooking all day. I make Everything myself cuz family coming over demands or pleads (Are you making your cherry coke jello…pleeez? How about the brandy pumpkin pie? Lumpy mashed potatoes with cream and lots of butter?) Of course a Butterball turkey (don’t even look at the price, must be a Butterball turkey. My dad was the same stubborn.)

Trying acorn squash this year (mom would like that), parmesan pinwheels for appetizer and Ranch onion dip. I did make my orange cranberry relish on Sunday. Lots of stuff to do tomorrow!


Oh man I’ve been having a taste for lamb for a long time, I need to find a farmer that sells lamb close to here and buy one; The meat is just too expensive in the markets around here.

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Working 7AM to 3PM at my job and then coming home and eat a Turkey TV Dinner, watch some TV and surf the Internet, then goto bed.


AKA God tier mashed potatoes.


I’d invite you over if you were close to us here, There’s going to be plenty left over being it’s just 4 of us now.

Uuummm…… Making me hungry; Time to start the turkey I think! Happy Thanksgiving!

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Happy Thanksgiving to you and everyone on GD, even the sad folks in Aussieland with no turkey dinners (Canada does thanksgiving in October or something, why not Australia?).

My turkey dinner will be delish but my sammich on Friday, back at work, will be yum too. =)

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Playing WOW of course since I am off work maybe eat turkey if I feel like it other then that same thing I do everyday try and take over the World…of Warcraft.

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Unfortunately hosting can be a drag on a Thanksgiving. Good for you guys for doing it though!

I’ll be at my sister’s house with the extended family!

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Just the usual lazying around watching the thanksgiving day parade or something. Then stuffing my face with elbow salad, potato salad, pasteles, turkey and mofongo… maybe drink some coquito or rum… depends tho, I forgot to buy alcohol.

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i usually make the turkey because no one else in the family remembers to brine it and it always turns out dry
and i’m gonna be making eggnog shakes with whipped cream and cherries

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Nothing, which makes me feel sad until I remember what happened the last time we tried to have a Thanksgiving dinner. I live(d) with a certain individual who set unrealistic expectations and then blew up at everyone when things weren’t exactly perfect.

I hate my family.

That’s why I buy a Butterball turkey every year. Foolproof, just clean it and toss it on a rack. Set thermometer and it’s perfectly moist every time.

Eggnog shake sounds yum!

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Me Too! Butterball Every Year! :+1::smiley:

I’ll have to get one! And they’re really good. I like to sprinkle gingersnap crumbs on top of the whipped cream, it looks amazing and tastes great ^^

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I’ll go to my parent’s house to be with family and then play WoW with my friends in the evening.


First half of the day, working (Hospital, sadly we never close for the Holidays). Second half, family


Just my husband and I this year. Going to cook a couple turkey legs, stuffing (for him), roasted root veggies, brussels sprouts, and cran-apple crumble for desert. We plan to watch the Thanksgiving day parade and just goof off (after I do all the work lol).

I hope you all have a delightful holiday :slight_smile: :heart::poultry_leg: