What are you doing for thanksgiving?

Making a charcuterie board, ordering chinese, and spent a dumb about of money on a milk bar crack pie. :woman_shrugging:t2::heart_eyes:


Personally, I don’t celebrate, but I will be pet-sitting my friend’s dog that day, and that’s just as exciting to me!

I hope your final days with her are good ones. I’ve gone through that more than once now. It’s never easy, but there’s a closure you get that doesn’t happen when someone you love goes unexpectedly.

I wish you the best (under the circumstances).


Thank you for your kind words; Hope that you and yours have a very enjoyable Holiday season!


Thank you! I took care of my Father the last 2 years & 4 months of his life; Stroke left him completely paralyzed on his left side; He passed 12-21-2003, Buried him on Christmas Eve; He was a Navy Veteran and 2 young sailors came and played taps for him; I will never forget those sailors gave up their Christmas Eve to come and do that for him; What a GREAT Nation we live in!


I’m making the drive down to my brother’s house outside Worcester, MA. Sad it will be in the teens, without windchill, so we won’t walk in the woods along the reservoir.

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Hope you have A Joyful Holiday season!

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HAHA come on down man

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Australians don’t celebrate… so nothing.


Driving 2.5 hours to have dinner with family then driving 2.5 hours home. I love family but I hate driving.


Making a bucket load of gold selling instantly cooked turkeys from Howling Fjord.

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It’s just your turn to suffer. Next year (or holiday) someone else can host and cry!

A few tips since you mentioned it’s your first time.

  • If someone asks to help clean up, that means they don’t really want to help and are just being polite. Just say no, but thank you so much for the delicious whatever. The people that really want to help will just start cleaning up and doing the dishes.

  • If you’re serving booze, water it down!

  • Clear out everything in all medicine cabinets, box it up and hide it.

  • If your drunk uncle wants to talk politics, ask him about his favorite sports team/car/fishing rod.


I don’t know if we have an equivalent holiday to the Americans’ thanksgiving. Maybe grand final weekend?


This year itll be the Victorian Elections XD

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Visiting my parents. Eating to much. Triggering my diabetes.

Then doing the same thing again on Saturday.

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I am not from NA so… Eating Pizza alone! =)


I told my Mother I was going to my Brothers lake house with his in laws this year, I told my Brother I was doing not a damned thing except play wow and he needed to cover for me. It’s Thanksgiving, and I thankfully dodged the family turkey this year!

So I’m playing Warcraft.


Reminiscing about the 2 thanksgivings I was a part of when I lived in the US! Seriously the best turkey I have ever had in my life!

The best part though? I married the cook of the turkey, so I can have it anytime in Australia now, even if we don’t have the thanksgiving part :smiley:


I’m working, but I’ll BBQ something when I get home and probably dink around on the computer for a bit before I have to get up at midnight and go to work again.

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It’s just a day; Thanksgiving can be anytime you want it to be! Happy Holidays!