What are you doing for thanksgiving?

I am hosting for the first year and my wife is driving me crazy. Love my family…but this went from fun to done real fast!


Girlfriend has a stomach bug and the extended family is waiting for Christmas to travel so it looks like a 4-day Red Dead Redemption and a Battlefield 5 Nat’zie killing marathon!


Probably nothing much.

Family is getting together. Gonna hit up the supermarket today so I can make about 2 dozen deviled eggs tomorrow. I like them with lots of mustard.


sleeping until the guests leave, then going on a scavenging spree


avoiding many online games, not in the mood to babysit some parents teenager or child over the holidays.


I know, you must remember inviting us? You remember, right?


Since I refuse to cook for the holiday anymore - going to a foofoo restaurant for a yummy meal that will give me three days of leftovers lol.

:cookie: for all!


Making candied sweet potatoes and pecan pie after work tonight, then doing nothing but eating, drinking and watching football all weekend.

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Two turkey choices:
Heads. Turkey and swiss sub sandwich from the local Publix market. Probably full size this time.

Tails: Microwave a turkey pot pie.

Pull coin from pocket, set on table, look. Heads, Guess it’s the sub.

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Will just be hubby and me this year, and we’ll get to stay home for once. Yay!

We’re having a pork roast, glazed carrots, broccoli, mashed potatoes, rolls, and apple pie. And I’m very, very thankful for all of it. :clinking_glasses:


Always go to my sister’s house.

Turkey Trot with her kids.

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Just my Mom and I so we are having a small simple dinner.

Small turkey breast pre-cooked so just have to heat it up. Candied yams, mashed potatos, dinner rolls, green beans of some kind since the salad lettuce is on recall… Pecan pie for desert for Mom, and I’ll probably have some ice cream. (I’m allergic to nuts.) I bought some champagne, though I might stick to the chardonnay I already have.


Being sick.
It’s been three years since I have been so the timing couldn’t have been better.

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Going all out this Thanksgiving; Was told last week that my Mother (Who my wife and I have been caring for the last 8 years) is in the final stage of kidney failure (She’s 80 so they won’t do dialysis for a person that old, besides she probally would die setting her up) ; Palliative Care has been called to guide us through the last days with her; Doctor couldn’t say how long she has but we’re going to make sure she has whatever she wants in her last days with us.


Gonna be the fat Italian I am, eat till I can’t, and then go lay down and die for a bit. Can’t wait.


Making dinner for my family and my wife’s family then kicking them all out so my wife and I can go Black Thursday shopping. Deadpool 2 in 4K for $9!

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I’ll be going on a 4 day bender that I will inevitably regret on Monday.


Friends and family coming over. Having a ham this year and other yummies.


She has a good son. Comforting thoughts to her and your family :heart: