What are the best pets early on around level 15-25?


They eat basically any food.

Charge gets them on mob faster and root mobs for 1 sec.
Also, after the charge, their next attack is increased, resulting in more aggro.


Since you are on horde, I’d grab that lvl 10-11 scorpion next to Ogrimmar. I usually just have growl plus scorpid poison on to have all his focus into stacking that poison 5 times, very undervalued.

Edit: Just noticed the 15-25, you could just grab Eyachakee from that quest. Really good cat pet with unique look.

Get a boar or cat. Boars eat just about anything, and cats eat fish which you can easily get without spending money. Will save you trouble. At 60, if PvE go get the named car in badlands.

Is there a difference in which boar you get?

Once in a while you will have to go grab a boar with the upgraded Charge to learn it. If you end up enjoying the boar you want to stick with it as your primary then I’d grab one out of Razor. You can you classic Petopia or Vanillawowhunter for website references.

Is that white tiger elite from winterspring able to be tamed?

Yes, Siam and Eye are the only white tigers. If you are 60 and just want that one he spawns with a horde quest out there. I guess he can be a pain to tame so if you just grab a druid to hibernate or a mage to poly it’ll make it much easier.

Thanks a lot

There is a website called petopia. it has a section for Classic WoW. In there is a ton of info about hunter pets: every pet class, its skills, its food, and every trainable pet in that class (zone, level, what skills it already has).

I have tried several pets. I like boar, cat, turtle but it is mostly personal taste. Here are my hunter ideas:

[1] pets level slowly. For your pet to stay near your level, it is best to just have 1 pet. At 42 I use 2 pets and keep switching between them. Sometimes I get a new my-level pet, replacing one of them.

[2] I keep 1 empty stable slot (3 slots for 2 pets) for training. At certain levels pets have better skills (Growl 3, Bite 2, etc.). You have to train your hunter in that skill, by taming a new pet and fighting with it for 5-15 minutes. Once your hunter knows the skill, he can train any pet in it, and you can abandon the new pet.

But you can only train a skill if your pet class uses that skill. Each pet class only uses a few skills. That is where I use petopia. It shows me new pet skill levels, and helps me find the right mob to tame and use (temporarily) to get that new pet skill level for my hunter.

The Rake, rare lion in mulgore, has fast attack speed.


Kresh. The answer is always kresh. Eats fruit and fish, shell shield is awesome. Plus he’s a giant blue turtle.

Editing to add: boar is generally a solid well rounded pet for the reasons people have specified. BUT if you get a boar, you have to name it Cat. Throws people off in battlegrounds.


Hunter pets are mostly cosmetic preferences with minimal innate base differences, and all can be trained to boost armor, health, & resistances.

I personally prefer the Bite pets over the Claw. Claws eats too much focus too fast & can cause Growl to delay/miss firing, but Growl+Bite (+Dash) work seamlessly together. Growl + Howl also works good, but Growl, Bite & Howl will cause focus issues & may delay Growls going off (meaning your pet will lose aggro faster). In Dungeons Bite + Howl work well together, overall, with Growl turned off.

I’ve been using a Wolf with my Hunter (currently lvl 50) since leaving the starter area. If I wasn’t using a Wolf, I would probably go for a Boar with Growl + Bite + Charge.

If you want a Wolf with a faster than normal attack speed then Mist Howler named in Ashenvale fits the bill. I spent some hours on a weekend back in the day roaming the spawn/travel areas before it finally spawned & I tamed.

FUN FACT: If you want to know if your pet is a male or female, then take it to cursed crew in wetlands & let them curse it during combat. It will turn into either a male or female undead temporarily.


Owls are great because their AoE screech helps hold agro on multiple mobs.

I love the look of the owls but for some reason flapping wing pets drive me insane when they are idling next to me or following me at my preferred camera settings.

People throw “fun fact” around pretty willy nilly but this genuinely is a really fun piece of information I did not know. Neat.

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I really want the black armored boar from RFK.

That is what my hunter is grabbing when he can.
Then maybe broken tooth later and worg wolf for raiding buff.

Ill be getting the Zulian Tiger from ZG at 60

Broken tooth is great for pvp but no better than any other cat for pve.