What a nice classic experince without LFD

Ability pruning
Level Squish
Trying to kill flying
Resetting powered borrow grinds
Mob scaling


Yes, every expansion re-release takes us closer to Retail. If you don’t like that, then I suggest you stay in Classic Era.


and as it went to cata it went from the man, the myth, the legend, Arthas to…

a dragon who welded armour plates to his body, for reasons. I guess.

Odd call that one. In 99.999999% of fantasy dragon scales are the ultimate armour. Only one spot, with special ammo…could drop smaug.

If Old boy missed by 1 foot…the hobbit ends with a village burned and everyone dead. well except for smaug. that bolt 1 foot off just bounced off like a nerf gun dart. He’d live.

and well the pesky physics of flight. Dragon puts on 1000 lbs of metal…its going to affect flight really.

It…be like making chain mail that fits parakeets. that parakeet…ain’t flying real well after.

Pretty accurate for most people that played original vanilla, original tbc, classic and classic tbc. That’s literally why they gave us LFD in Wrath. People were sick of sitting hours trying to get groups and sometimes, not being able to get groups.


Earlier this expac, I had a tank start the second part of the Taretha quest in reg. Old Hillsbrad without asking If we were ready for it. Quest is sitting in my log as we speak. I wanted to cuss out the tank so bad and then leave, but I bit my tongue and finished the dungeon for the group.

I next got asked to heal a heroic Shattered Halls. I explained to the lead that I didn’t really have the gear and confidence yet to set foot in a heroic. They needed shaman abilities and I believe there were no other better healers around so they settled on me anyways.
We wiped so many times because our lead, a hunter, didn’t want to CC some of the mobs because he didn’t feel like it. Somehow, we got it done; painfully so. It is the only Heroic I have completed to date. (this expac)

The same group from above next dragged me into a heroic Blood Furnace, we wiped just as we got past the staircase. As we were recovering, the tank and DPS went on ahead to start pulling without me nearby. The tank and the DPS wiped but I was just far enough away to stay out of combat. I told them I would no longer tolerate their inconsideration and left.

There are a few more incidents but this is what I remember right off the top of my head.

I think I made the OP’s point clear enough.

You PvE elites are the worst people imaginable.


Can confirm, as a tank and healer and DPS, I have experience this.



The thing is I think there is an argument for why lfd was bad for the game….in 2009. But in Wrath Classic it is absolutely essential. The damage has been done. The playerbase is wildly different. Just look at what’s going on in TBCC. The dungeon finder fixes so much of that. If it was restricted to your server only…it would be near perfect. And leaving it in is still authentic.

This is Blizz interfering where they shouldn’t. Maybe their intentions are good, but their reasoning is way off.


I kinda want them to add RDF just so I can laugh when people complain about 2 hour queue times as a dps.

That’s 2 hours for a guaranteed group. Meanwhile in TBC I can spam LFG for hours and still not get a group.


Is that a challenge? I had a 3-hour queue once for AV in classic. I was so busy questing, farming, shopping at the AH; felt more like 3 minutes when it popped and surprised me.


Don’t you see? You don’t need to wait. Just pay them the gold to join.

That’s what they’re scared of losing.


Yup 2 hours for a 3/4 Heroic Occulus run and as soon as you get in the other four players leave.

Battlegrounds are not equal to 5 man dungeons sorry. I know you think they are the same because they both have more than one player but you are wrong.

Whatever works in your head cannon bud. I got some spare Reynold’s wrap maybe you can make yourself a new hat.

Waiting is waiting.

You’re right. Hardcore PvPers are much harder to deal with than megaman bosses once you learn their patterns.

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I am at a loss for words lol. Wow

Which is fine because your now at the top of the queue and get the next 4 people and finish the dungeon.


I know.

I only use the mega-buster on bosses because they’re too easy when I use their weakness weapon.

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and then the next four leave too. I love how in denial you guys are about how this game really works. You legit think everything is going to just work perfect 100% of the time because you just want RDF so bad.

Like I said earlier. I hope they give it to you just so I can watch you QQ over the reality of what awaits you.

I’m surprised you even play retail considering it exists there; I think.

whatever can happen in lfg can still happen in forming random groups in tbc.
currently in tbc-c people can leave too or dc and do more ugly things like"reserve"


No they don’t the next 4 stay and are also happy they basically finished their run in 5 minutes. For one thing Occulus was just annoying but not overly long or hard, especially if you are on the last boss, for another thing once you’ve randomed into a dungeon the system keeps giving you that one until you complete it.