What a great time to be a priest

Read 'em and weep, dudes.


never seen this many disgusting noobs crying at once


The tears fuel my shadowfiend.

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Jokes on you I carry restorative potions on me

Drink but don’t blink because another plague made of voids is headed your way.

I’m playing undead rogue, you’re only going to get maybe two casts off make them count.

But I’m still popping a restorative potion.

Two casts are all I’ll need after tomorrow.

:notes: Tomorrow, tomorrow, it’ s onlyyyyy a day awayyyyy! :notes:

You must not know what a restorative potion does

It’s a flat damage buff, silly goose. Even a mind spike and a mind blast will tank a sensual little mage like you now.

Duck season!

Yeah I’m not worried you clearly can’t read I doubt you can play

Love you too.


whats happening with priest?

the paladin tears are the best ones because they can just dispell all your stuff go immune and smack you for 3k
but they’re all too bad to use their thinking thoughts

Apparently just casting a couple of dots, killing a passing mounted player and going about their day wasn’t good enough. Now they will die much faster.

did read where they got buffed or any updates new to this stuff

Opie is referring to this data.

oh btw
laughing while dispersed intensifies