What’s one voice line that lives rent free in your head?

Mine would be: “WHO AMONG YOU IS DEVOTED?!?”

Death comes, will your conscience be clear?


God I hate that voice line. And she repeats it over and over and over.

Sindragosa in Icecrown.

“The icy winds of Northrend will CONSUME YOUR SOUL!”

“SUFFER, mortals, as your PATHETIC magic BETRAAAAYS YOU!”

At the time back in 2010, my guild struggled to get past her for many weeks. It was misery.

Some nights I’d dream about wiping on Sindragosa over and over with only 1 or 2 percent of her HP left, and then wake up exhausted.

That voice line will be with me forever. Lol.

Ooh that reminds me, another line (that I actually say out loud sometimes)

Gambling. Ticketing. Laundry.

Trash, trash, trash

Work complete