WET Community Lounge: Reborn

I have a never ending Inferno Punch flask. Does that count?

House, cart, boat, pets, kids, whatever: Iā€™m not watching them for you.

Maaaybeā€¦but where does the alcohol come from if itā€™s neverending? See, I know what goes in mine because I have to refill it.

What if I told you heā€™s like the void version of Kalithos?

Kalithos is Kalithos. There is no alternative.

What am I, the Splenda to Kalā€™s sugar? I feel soā€¦cheap yet artificially expensive.

inspects Taramis and frowns

Slight problem with thatā€“Splenda comes in a pink package, not blue.

Fine the generic stuff thatā€™s sold in blue packets.

No, no. Stevia, baby.

I swear the blue stuff has a name, but I cannot for the life of me remember it.


(10 characters)

Maybe. Whatever it was, it was fairly forgettable. I donā€™t recall having to refill those packets often when I worked as a server.

Aye,i prefer closed myself as the last time I did an open RP,it went all over the place to where I kept having to put the story back on track and never finished since some people kinda up and poofed without a trace. ^_^;; Tis also why Iā€™m quite strict with the rules I write down.

Didnā€™t Splenda come in a yellow package, Sweet-n-low come in pink, and Equal in the blue pack? Iā€™m probably wrong.

I couldā€™ve sworn Splenda was pink, Sweet-N-Low was yellow, and Equal was blue.

actually sweet-n-low is pink i believe, its also very unhealthy, so i rather use sugar than sweet-n-low.

but i use truvia instead anyway.

I use sugar or honey. Occasionally I will use agave extractā€“it has a slightly different flavor that Iā€™m not quite certain how to describe.

Iā€™m just spice. No sugar. No nice.

Really depends on what Iā€™m drinking. For coffee, usually nothing. A little creamer if Iā€™m feeling really relaxed. For tea, Honey and Paprika and Iā€™ll drink that like a desert wanderer just found an oasis. Donā€™t judge me.

I usually avoid drinking altogether. I find that having to pee in the middle of casting a magical spell makes it really hard to cast spells. Iā€™m currently in the top list of contenders for being the best mage ever. Do you know how hard it is to stay at the top when other mages are showing you up while youā€™re in the bathroom? Nope, no liquids for me! Now I donā€™t have to be interrupted by a sudden urge when Iā€™m only half a minute into casting a simple firebolt. Not this guy! Iā€™m the best mage ever!

Hey buddy, I think you might be reading the Details! chart upside-down.